A quick review: the plastic is somewhat cheaper than the Star Wars Black line, though not nearly as cheap as other knock-off figures I've seen. The heads aren't ball-jointed, the joints are tight in their sockets and in danger of popping out if turned too quickly (which, coupled with the cheaper plastic, might equal a sheared-off limb or head if posed too many times), the paint apps aren't the best, but honestly, considering what I've seen from Hasbro of late, they're not that bad. A derpy eye here or there, but overall they're pretty clean-looking.
They have nice weapons and accessories, though they're not as easily swapped among the figures as the packaging would have you believe. The backpack pieces, in particular, all attach to the backs with different sized and shaped plugs, which makes it
impossible to swap them among the figures. The weapons are nicely put together; none of them were bent or broken in the package, and the details are actually painted, rather than just being sprayed a flat black.
I can't wait to get into a new apartment so that I can pull my stuff out of storage and start using them for fodder. There are about four or five other figures in the series, individually packaged, and I plan on eventually collecting the entire line.
With a little Sculpy, a little Green Stuff, a little paint and a lot of patience, I'm confident you could tear these guys down and then rebuild them into some outstanding figures.