Sort of disappointed that Darth Reagan won. Out of the thousands of different variations of chatacters to choose from, the nomination went to the one that's never been in a movie or even a cartoon. Ohh yeah and they're making that pink boba fett now too for being in second place. I don't see myself getting either one. I'm almost afraid to see what will win the next vote. And yes I understand the reason behind fan's choice is to get figures in production that will otherwise have no chance, but cummon. The choices were lackluster, general grievous is already in preproduction, "Ben" Kenobi is cool but not the most exciting and Gamorean gaurd I thought would be the best got nearly zero votes. Gamorean guard would have at least gone with several other figures. Jabba, slave Leia, boushh Leia, ROTJ Luke, Chewbacca, Boba fett, Greedo, r2d2, the upcoming c3po. What do you do with a Legends character from a completely different era from every other figure.