Eric sends news for Hole in the Ground Productions...
"Well, this next new item is something I never expected to make but someone asked me if I could. A piece of the debris outside the cantina! Because of the design, I didn't feel it could be resin cast properly. So, the kit will come with two sizes of PVC tube (precut) and a series of precision cut pieces that interlock to make the "stadium". There will be some flashing on the parts that need shaved off with a hobby knife first. Then its pretty straight forward.
In looking at screen shots its very hard to gauge the size. I'd imagine that the piece of debris is supposed to be larger than what I made though. However,][size=cost and while I can certainly make it larger as a custom part if someone wanted to me, I stuck with something that isn't so big as to be a problem if dealing with limited space. This size is 4.5" diameter. If someone really really wants a bigger custom size, please email me through my website and we can talk about it. If you want one sized as is, its available for order now.
Next up is a preview of the next item in the pipeline. More walls... or would that be doorways? Or maybe bulkheads? Well, I don't know what to call them, just that they look cool and will likely be my last Tantive inspired item. This is 99% finished and will be ready to order probably within a week. Ok, so what's after THAT you say? Well, I'm always open to any ideas you want to pitch my way. After all, its how you end up with debris! LOL Some of the items that I intended to make in regards to larger "rooms" and things of that nature would be two impractical and/or expensive to do. However, I am open to doing commissioned type items that can be precision cut like the debris kit is."
As always, you can check out the full description and list of products at