Sorry I haven’t posted in awhile! My fodder supply is greatly depleted, so I can’t find parts to assemble any figures right now. It seems like all I have are decapitated POTF figures… Any way, until I can find some reasonably priced fodder, I’m devoting my free time to constructing modded weapons and accessories. Hopefully I’ll be able to make figures to accompany them soon!
Here's a figure that I've had completed for a while, but as it's a pretty simple one, I decided I needed a cool gun to accompany her. Here's my female Falleen Smuggler.
head- TVC Barriss Offee (dremmeled)
braid- random Skylanders figure, painted.
body- Cato Parasitti
The gun was assembled using parts from several different G.I. Joe and Star Wars weapons that have been chopped up, glued together, sanded, and weathered.
I don't yet have anything to sculpt with, but when I do, I'm going to try and make her look more reptilian.