I was able to get a couple Royal Guards, they are pretty cool. Id say 9.5/10, only because of a few minor problems. The helmet is dull and orange peeled. Also the pike itself is made of very soft plastic. When I took it out of the package it was warped into an S shape. On a positive note the sculpt is great the accessories are awesome. I just realized the right finger is flexible allowing it to hold the pike in its iconic position.
To tackle the helmet problem i just gave it a couple coats of Tamiya Clear Red. I think it looks better. I happened to have a couple of POTF2 pikes, I like them better because they are made of a harder, more durable plastic, so theyre straight.
I realized Hasbro hasnt made an ROTJ Emperor I'm happy with, so I kitbashed one. Im not sure why Hasbro hasnt done this already, but i took a TAC emperor and added the TVC TPM sidious robe and hood. Thats it. looks great. Ive got a few more alterations and accessories to make this an ultimate ROTJ Emperor.