I pretty much rounded out the rest of the Squad. First is Sergeant "Rollo". He is equipped with a white paulderon, long-range communication backpack, comlink and an RT-97C blaster. Being a Sergeant, his role is to lead the Attack Team. Also he communicates on the comlink with other Sergeants in the platoon. His position is (in this case) #7, positioning himself on the opposite flank of position #1.
I gave him an Evo trooper backpack, it was light enough, I only needed the one magnet, in the "donut" on the back. I gave him the comlink, from the TVC deathstar escape Luke. I utilized the peg, and I just drilled a corresponding hole in the belt.
With him is TK-0220, "OTTO". He is a Grenadier, equipped with thermal detonators, missile launcher, and E-11, with holster. His role is to destroy enemy defences. His position is #4.
The holster is from Scan crew figure. Grenades are glued to his belt, from GI JOE figure. The missile launcher is from GI JOE.
Next is Corporal "raze". He is equipped with a black paulderon, backpack and either a DLT-19, or an E-WEB, depending on the mission. His role is the leader of the defense team, and to offer cover fire for the attack team. His position is #1.
Just like the Sergeant, the small backpack from the Navy commando, is small enough I only needed one magnet.
His assistant TK-9393 "GeGe", helps with maintaining the machine gun, or offers cover fire while the gun is in the cooling phase. His position is #2.
All I did was give him a holster for his E-11, from a scan crewman.
The rest of the Squad are standard Stormtroopers, equipped with E-11s, and some accessories, including grappling hooks, computers, thermal detonators, etc. I hope to build a diorama of the Squad in action, fairly soon.