At the beginning of the year a rumor was confirmed that the AT-ST Walker would be re-released in the 3 3/4" The Black Series. I first saw this rumor to be true on Jedi Temple Archives on January 2, 2017:
Read about the first sight at retail and the previous rumor by following the link below: this AT-ST Walker showed up at the beginning of the year in some Walmart stores.
Hasbro has yet to confirm this exclusive, which will probably happen on New York Toy Fair in February 2017.
And since this vehicle is still relatively new I think it makes sense to review and compare it to previous releases!
I am very lucky! As you know I live in Germany. So I am actually not supposed to own this vehicle.
However on Saturday my dad returned from Florida. Before he went there I asked him if he could go to Walmart and take a picture of their Star Wars Hasbro aisle(s). I wanted to see what was availble in FL right now. Unfortunately he did not send me a picture.
Instead he brought me the TBS AT-ST Walker, which I review for you, now:
Imperial AT-ST Walker and Imperial AT-ST DriverSTAR WARS THE BLACK SERIES Manufacturer: Hasbro, Inc.
Series: The Black Series [Phase III] (Wal-Mart Exclusive)
Year: 2017
Retail: $59.68
Source: Return of the Jedi
Date Stamp: 2009
Assortment Number: 63351
UPC Number: 6 30509 53649 8
Weapons and Accessories:AT-ST Driver
BlasTech E-11 Blaster
Functioning Secondary Chin Canon Launcher with 2 Missles
Features:Opening Hatch
Opening Roof
Opening Viewport Shields
Rotating Primary Chin Cannon
Interchangeable Secondary Chin Cannon
2 Missiles
2 Foot Supports
As already mentioned this is the first vehicle to be released in the 3 3/4" THE BLACK SERIES PHASE III line and the second vehicle of 3 3/4" THE BLACK SERIES.
There has been another AT-ST in The Black Series already:
This mulitipack was exclusive to Toys "R" Us and included a repack of Kmart's exclusive AT-ST:

I do not own this picture. All rights reserved.
Source: Toys "R" Us, it is the Imperial AT-ST Walker.
This time around it is more similar to this vehicle's debut in 2009:
The AT-ST (All Terrain Scout Transport)
See a full review on the first AT-ST that was also a Walmart Exclusive by following the link below: you get a closer look at the packaging and its design. I am sorry it's a little damaged. It got some dents, scratches and bends on the flight from Florida back to Germany...
I really like the black/red design of the Black Series Phase III Packaging! Hasbro put a lot of effort into the design. There are features and drafts of the AT-ST on the right side of the box while the left side is held in red with the Imperial emblem. Hasbro chose to write all these features in basic. I haven't checked if the words make sense, yet. But I will translate them later.
On front they put an image of the AT-ST Driver on front of the AT-ST, which looks just great! On the back of the packaging you can see 6 images showing the details and features of the vehicle.
Interesting is the fact that Hasbro printed the AT-ST Driver of the AT-ST's first release on the packaging. The Driver of the TLC AT-ST was a repaint of the AT-ST, that was included in the Battle of Hoth Ultimate Battle Pack from 2007.
However this TBS AT-ST includes a repack of the TVC AT-ST Driver, instead!
Moreover there is no "Walmart Exclusive" Sticker this time on the packaging. This leads me to another mysterious fact about the mold and the date stamp, which I will explain below.

Inside the box:When I first saw an image of this vehicle I assumed that this AT-ST depicts the version that appears in Rogoe One: A Star Wars Story.
The movie was released in December 2016 and it made sense to me to release a repaint of the AT-ST as seen on Jedha in Rogue One.
Now that I got this vehicle in hand I have to contradict my assumption: The background of the packaging clearly shows the part of a forest on Endor. This is just another hint that this AT-ST is almost a repack/re-issue of Walmarts first exclusive AT-ST from 2009.

Out of Packaging:Inside the packaging the AT-ST's right leg is not connected to the body. So you have to assemble (just) one piece to complete it. The vehicle is secured with the usual straps and bands. I recognized that Hasbro used different rubber bands for this vehicle. They are not as transluscent and elastic as the ones they used before.

Closer look at the paint operations:Let's take a closer look at the paint operations and details of the AT-ST! When you compare it to the first release from 2009 you will recognise that both versions are alomost silimar!

Fixed leg joints:right:


Hasbro has indeed fixed the fragile leg joints of their previous Endor version which was a Kmart exclusive (see images below). So the AT-ST does stand up (quite) well. But if you play with the AT-ST and rotate the joints a lot I guarantee you the material will suffer and the joints will wear out. Every material wears out sooner or later depending on how and how much you use it. But since Hasbro always emphasizes that their products are TOYS in the first place, it should not be as fragile as the joints of the AT-ST are...what do you think?
Inside the cockpit:As you can see Hasbro also painted the seats and applied the stickers well like they did with their previous releases of the AT-ST.

Accessories:As mentioned above the AT-ST Driver that is included with this AT-ST differs from the figure printed on the packaging! With this AT-ST you get a repack of the TVC AT-ST Driver. This AT-ST Driver was included in the Endor AT-ST Crew 2-Pack, which was exclusive to Kmart in 2012.
Read and see a full review on this 2-Pack by following the link to or to below:
A repack of Kmarts exclusive AT-ST Crew with 14 points of articulation:

So far this secondary Missle Launcher was included in every re-release of the new AT-ST from 2009.
I think it's a very nice play feature and a good accessory. The range of the launcher is about 1 meter/yard when you fire the missles.
Previous Releases:
I do not own this picture. All rights reserved.
I do not own this picture. All rights reserved.
I do not own this picture. All rights reserved.
I do not own this picture. All rights reserved.
Source: Toys "R" Us of paint operations: - Left: TLC AT-ST (All Terrain Scout Transport)
- Right: TBS (Phase III) Imperial AT-ST

Date Stamps:- First: TLC AT-ST (All Terrain Scout Transport)
- Second: TBS (Phase III) Imperial AT-ST

Comparsion to all different and previously released versions:- Left: TLC AT-ST (All Terrain Scout Transport) - First Release
- Middle: SOTDS AT-ST Walker - Repaint (Hoth)
- Right: TVC/TBS AT-ST - Repaint (Endor)

- Left: SOTDS AT-ST Walker - Repaint (Hoth)
- Middle: TBS (Phase III) Imperial AT-ST - Repack?!
- Right: TVC/TBS AT-ST - Repaint (Endor)
List of all releases of 2009's AT-ST:2009: TLC AT-ST (All Terrain Scout Transport) - First Release - Walmart Exclusive
2010: SOTDS AT-ST Walker - Repaint (Hoth) - TARGET Exclusive
2012: TVC AT-ST - Repaint (Endor) - Kmart Exclusive
2014: TBS AT-ST - Repaint (Endor) - Battle on Endor Battle Pack - Toys "R" Us Exclusive
2017: TBS (Phase III) - Imperial AT-ST - Slight Repaint of the TLC version - Walmart Exclusive
Conclusion: Personal Interest: Since I own all 3 different releases of this AT-ST I wanted to have this re-release as well in order to complete this series. As mentioned above I intitially assumed this version would depict the AT-ST seen on Jedha in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. But now the inside of the packaging told me different.
Exclusiveness: I don't know if Walmart came up to Hasbro and claimed for another exclusive. It seems very likely that they indeed asked Hasbro for an exclusive vehicle for their already exclusive SA TBS 3 3/4" Action Figure line. And it seems they figured their initial exclusive AT-ST of 2009 was best for that purpose.
Or Hasbro came up to Walmart and offered a re-issue of their exclusive to them. I don't know for sure, but the first theory makes more sense to me. Some years ago I read an interview with Hasbro in which they gave a hint that retailers like Walmart, TARGET or Toys "R" Us contact Hasbro (maybe on ToyFair) and ask them for exclusives. Then, Hasbro comes up with some suggestions which they can choose.
Mold & Detail: The mold of this vehicle has a date stamp from 2009. I did not buy the old version of the AT-ST because I don't think it looks accurate. Don't get me wrong - it's a classic toy nevertheless! I just didn't buy it. So when Hasbro announced and presented the AT-ST in 2008, I was VERY happy to finally see a new mold of this classic and iconic vehicle!
Hasbro put much effort on the mold! All the details and paint operations are just great! Although they did not paint every detail they included in the mold like the guns or all control panels of the cockpit. So if you're a customer and get this vehicle cheap this might be woth to become your next repaint project!
Retail Price: The retail for this AT-ST is $49,67 (plus sales tax) as far as I know. If you compare this price to the first release of 2009 you'll see it's pretty close. Back in 2009 the AT-ST sold for $43.96 at retail (Walmart). It was a new mold an easily sold for that price. Now, almost 8 years later we see (almost) the same vehicle with a more articulated figure for about $6 more.
But if you compare these prices to the other (two) re-releases of 2010 and 2012 you'll see a significant difference: In 2010 you got not even a great repaint of the AT-ST, but also 3 action figures and a canon for just $39.99 at TARGET!!
Two years later Kmart came up with another repaint of the AT-ST in Vintage packaging which retailed for $34.99.
Recommendation: So is it woth it? That remains your decision.
I still love this vehicle! The mold is superb and it's pretty much in scale 1/18. Hasbro seems to have fixed the issue with the instable leg joints. If you don't have any version of 2009's AT-ST (All Terrain Scout Transport) I highly recommend to you to add one to your collection.
In my opinion Hasbro cannot re-release enough versions and units of this awesome vehicle!
If you're a completist you have to get this anyway...maybe even twice! Have fun!
So if you missed the first release of 2009's AT-ST here is your second chance to finally get it!