Author Topic: "Thunderbirds Are Go" "The Mechanic" action figure review.  (Read 6641 times)

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While abroad, I picked up the action figure of the "Thunderbirds Are Go" villain "The Mechanic".

I have zero interest in the "Thunderbirds" franchise but when I saw the figure, I knew I had to have it for my collection. As only the first wave of "Thunderbirds Are Go" figures were released in the United States, this second wave figure is unavailable here. I lucked out and got the last one they had at Argos (the line is done and even the UK Toys R Us stores only have wave 1 remainders left).

The figure has a great sci-fi look and will make for a great seedy spaceport mechanic for my diorama after some minor modifications and a repaint. The figure has decent, but not great, articulation with ball hinge shoulders and elbows, swivel hips and single hinge knees. The neck is unarticulated due to having a thick cable exiting the back of the figure's head and running to his backpack. The tool attached to the figure's right shoulder contains 4 points, 3 hinges allowing the arm to unfold and be posed and a swivel rotation underneath the tool at the end of the arm. Some additional joints like swivel wrists or hinge ankles would have been nice, but are not too terribly missed.

The paint is very neatly applied with only minimal bleed around some of the edges.
He is quite tall, standing about 4.25" in height.

The figure comes with 2 hand tools, a small power driver of some sort and a longer handled hammer-looking device. The tools can be stored on a clip on either side of the figure's belt when not in use.

I plan on adding some additional articulation to the wrists (simple swivels) to allow better accessory use and possibly adding a swivel at the base of the articulated tool arm on the shoulder. The figure will get a repaint to lose the orange bits, enhance some of the sculpted but unpainted details and to make him look dirty and greasy like a mechanic should be. I will also make additional hand tools for him.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2017, 06:00:30 AM by The Spectre »
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Re: "Thunderbirds Are Go" "The Mechanic" action figure review.
« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2017, 02:41:47 AM »
Pretty cool figure. Let me go share it.

Offline hemble

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Re: "Thunderbirds Are Go" "The Mechanic" action figure review.
« Reply #2 on: June 02, 2017, 01:02:40 AM »
Great review mate and the last pic reminds me of a minion with his eyes behind the goggles LOL.
