Author Topic: Echo_Six's customs  (Read 50236 times)

Offline Echo_Six

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Re: Echo_Six's customs
« Reply #135 on: April 03, 2021, 04:18:29 PM »
A quick headswap using Bespin Escape Leia.

Thanks for looking!

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Re: Echo_Six's customs
« Reply #136 on: April 04, 2021, 06:05:48 AM »
Looks good to me.

Off to share.

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Re: Echo_Six's customs
« Reply #137 on: April 04, 2021, 01:29:57 PM »
A quick headswap using Bespin Escape Leia.

Thanks for looking!

That is on my to do list.  Nice!
I dabble in the Star Wars Universe of Toys... I rip apart little plastic people and turn them into other plastic people. Sometimes I take pictures of them and post them.

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Re: Echo_Six's customs
« Reply #138 on: April 05, 2021, 10:32:05 PM »
That's a great head swap! She looks really good.

Offline Echo_Six

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Re: Echo_Six's customs
« Reply #139 on: April 07, 2021, 10:19:11 PM »
Thanks, guys.  I noticed while fitting the head that Leia's bun was actually glued on slightly out-of-place - A little too high and rotated a bit.  Found another with good apps and swapped it out.  Not much difference, but it looks better to me.

Offline Echo_Six

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Re: Echo_Six's customs
« Reply #140 on: April 23, 2021, 01:58:17 PM »
A few quick and easy Jedi customs:

First is a slightly upgraded TLC/Saga Legends Saesee Tiin.  I replaced the original swivel elbows with the arms from a TAC comic pack Obi-Wan.  The arms are a perfect color match, and have the same sculpted fabric texture and flared sleeve design.  I sanded the large shoulder discs into smaller pegs to fit them into Tiin's shoulder sockets. Granted, the elbows are... large... but still an improvement in my eyes, especially with the robe on.

Next is an Aqualish, using a TVC Kit Fisto body and the head/hands from a BS Ponda Baba.  Threw in a TVC Qui-Gon robe and sabers from the fodder bin.

Last is an Imzig, using a TAC Secret Apprentice Jedi Galen Marek base.  I replaced the swivel elbows with the arms from a TLC padawan Obi-Wan, after prepping the arm joints and spraying them with Hi-Tech "off white" vinyl dye for a better match to the torso.  The head's from a TLC  Utris M'Toc wing guard, hands are from a TVC Quinlan Vos, and the saber is from the bin.

Thanks for looking! 

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Re: Echo_Six's customs
« Reply #141 on: April 24, 2021, 06:50:08 AM »
These are great. I really like that Aqualish.

Off to share on the front pages. I am happy to report I got FB working for me again.

Offline Echo_Six

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Re: Echo_Six's customs
« Reply #142 on: April 24, 2021, 04:14:08 PM »
Thanks Tamer.  I acquired the (headless) Fisto and Marek (no soft goods) bodies in a fodder lot a while ago and figured I should actually do something with them.  I'm in the drawn-out process of piecing together a few skiff guards/goons, and wanted to actually finish a few figures to remember what it's like.   ;D 

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Re: Echo_Six's customs
« Reply #143 on: April 24, 2021, 10:20:57 PM »
These are nice. I like the Imzig - you did a good job matching the arms to the robes (I always liked those robes). The Aqualish looks good too.

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Re: Echo_Six's customs
« Reply #144 on: April 25, 2021, 04:22:13 AM »
I agree, these are great recipes! I'm impressed by your mod of Saesee Tiin. That must be quite a bit of careful sanding. Never understood why Hasbro didn't decide to give him ball-joints, but swivel elbows were fine for me covered by a robe and the addition of a crate with 7 extra weapons.

All 3 look really nice and I like that the Aqualish Jedi fights with two single blades!
Thanks for sharing these.

Offline Echo_Six

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Re: Echo_Six's customs
« Reply #145 on: April 25, 2021, 10:11:06 AM »
Thanks, guys. 

I stuck the Aqualish with an extra Yoda saber, but might give him a second full-size blade.  Have to check the fodder box.

I'd really like to give Saesee articulated ankles, but the boots/spats sculpt is very intricate - It'd be tough.  Another option is to simply swap out the legs or lower body.  I'm keeping my eyes open for a donor that'd be at least similar in design to Saesee's. 

Sanding the discs into pegs is actually pretty easy with hobby sanding sticks.  These aren't the exact style I use but you get the idea.  150-180 grit makes short work of the plastic.  It took less than one MST3K episode (my unit of time when customizing) to do both of Saesee's new arms, including removal from the donor Obi-Wan.   

Just to explain the process a bit better, I found a pic from an earlier custom showing the disc sanding in progress.  Sand until the new "pegs" are about the same as the originals, and then clean up with fine grit paper.  A prudent customizer could mask the shoulders with tape to prevent scratches but I haven't had an issue yet. 

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Re: Echo_Six's customs
« Reply #146 on: April 26, 2021, 02:50:12 AM »
So interesting seeing your process. I have got to go get that on the front pages.

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Re: Echo_Six's customs
« Reply #147 on: June 11, 2021, 06:19:28 PM »
Finished a couple of Jabba's goons.

First up is the human barge gunner.

Torso/legs/hands - LC Imperial Scanning Crew
Arms - TVC Bespin Luke
Head - TVC AT-AT Commander
Belt - TBS Brock Starsher
Bandoleer - VC161 Big Daddy Jawa
Hat - Marauder Gun Runners

All the body parts are stock other than joint prep.  The base color is Hi-Tech "Greige" vinyl dye, with an olive drab/brown acrylic wash.  After cutting the bandoleer and supergluing the ends in back, I painted the strap with Testors "OD," the pouches with Tamiya "NATO green," and then gave it a brown wash.  The pouches on the left of the belt were cut/sanded away so the bandoleer could lie flat against his waist.  In addition, I sanded the backsides of the remaining pouches slightly for a better fit with the torso.  I sprayed the belt with Hi-Tech "light brown," then used Testors "OD" and "brass" for the details.  It also got a brown wash, with a Testors "leather" dry-brushing on the pouches.  The hat is a heavily sanded Russian hat from Marauder Gun Runners. A coat of Hi-Tech "tan" was followed by Testors "burnt sienna" and a Tamiya "buff"/Testors "ghost grey" dry-brush mix on the details. The chinstrap is the holster strap from a Bom Vimdin gunbelt. It's a separate piece, and is actually stretched over the top of the gunner's head.   ;D

I haven't unpacked my sail barge yet.

Here's a comparison between the stock hat and the finished version.  Tedious but not complicated.

"Refresher's full!"

Next is Yotts Orren.

Disclaimer - Rest easy. I didn't hack pristine figures to assemble this schlock. All the fodder was either incomplete or had already been cannibalized for other customs.

Torso - TVC Nikto with transplanted neck post (can't remember the source, might've been a Tusken Raider)
Head - TLC Giran
Arms, hands, codpiece - TLC Wooof
Pelvis, legs, feet - TVC sandstorm Lando
Bandoleer - Spliced from TVC Endor commando x2 & Movie Heroes Tusken Raider
Cap, belly pack, spats (?) - Leather (bag of scraps found at Joann's craft store)
Knee armor (?) - Loop from TAC Biggs x-wing flight harness & plate from TLC scout trooper shoulder
Calf pouch - TVC Bom Vimdin gunbelt

The base color is Hi-Tech "dark gray," with a Testors "OD"/"ghost grey" mix as a wash.  The shoulder armor and codpiece/holster were painted with Testors "OD" and "leather."  The bandoleer was sprayed with Hi-Tech "light brown," then Testors "aluminum" details were added, followed by a brown wash.  I painted the hands to match the head.

I know I should bedazzle the cap and belly pouch, but I'm hesitant to screw around with silver paint and toothpicks.  Maybe someday...   

I cut the armor plate from a scout trooper that already had a damaged shoulder, then sanded it down and superglued it to the harness loop.  I sprayed the entire piece with Hi-Tech "brown," then dry-brushed the strap with Testors "aluminum" and painted the plate with Testors "leather" and "aluminum."  Last was a brown wash.  By pure chance, the strap fits perfectly within sculpted folds on Lando's thigh.

I spent a lot of time trying to come up with a solution to the spats (or whatever they're called) problem.  I knew it would have to be some type of soft goods, because my sculpting sucks.  Eventually I got fed up and superglued pieces of thin leather to his legs.  The calf pouch was cut from a Bom Vimdin gunbelt strap.  The ends meet behind the pouch and were superglued together.  It's a slip fit over the spat.

The front pouch was cut from the same leather.  I superglued it into place as I rolled it, then glued it directly to the abdomen.  I added two small straps connecting the back of the pouch to the bandoleer so that it doesn't look suspended in space.  It was painted with Testors "field drab."

The cap is also leather.  I worked through several trials in different materials, ranging from Jedi robe scraps to vinyl, until I had the general size/shape figured out, then repeated the process in leather.  The disadvantage is that I had to pre-poke all the thread holes with a pin, because there's no way I could've pushed a needle through.  The tremendous advantage is that the leather will form to shape when wet with hot water and left to dry.  I pinched the cap at the sides and back, and by the end of an MST3K episode it had formed nicely.  To be on the safe side, I used a dab of Shoe Goo on the back of the head to hold the cap in place.  I considered a strap so that it would be removable but figured it would probably deform the shape.  It was painted with Testors "OD" and received a very light Testors "burnt sienna" drybrush. 

Here are a few WIP shots.  This is the last vinyl cap template, to give an idea of the pre-forming shape.

Here are the pieces stripped of factory paint.  I stripped everything with Winsor-Newton brush cleaner to make sure the dyes can adhere and to avoid clogging up small details.  I sanded off the shoulder armor details.

This is a detailed shot of the bandoleer.  I had no idea the Tusken's bandoleer was a separately sculpted piece, until I trimmed some pouches from his torso for a previous Geezum custom.  Basically, I cut the fronts from two Rebels, cut two overlapping grooves in the front, and then spliced them to the back half of the Tusken straps.  I made the joins behind Rebel pouches to increase surface area for the glue and to conceal the seams.  I prefer to use sandpaper for this kind of thing, but the Rebel straps were too rubbery.  Had to use a new X-acto blade and go slowly.   

Lastly, I re-visited some Han customs based on the carbonite torso.  I wanted to use the FACE! Bespin Han head, but the stock neckpost was too short.  I spliced in posts from a pair of BS Ponda Babas (loaded up on them when they were clogging the Burlington Coat Factories around here).  I know the Bespin Han legs aren't that good, but they're better (IMO) than the strangely angled carbonite Han legs.

I sanded the neck posts into cylinders, trimmed them, and then grafted on the Ponda posts with screws.  I haven't sanded or painted anything here to give an idea of measurements. 

Even unpainted, the modified post isn't visible.

« Last Edit: June 11, 2021, 08:20:36 PM by Echo_Six »

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Re: Echo_Six's customs
« Reply #148 on: June 11, 2021, 08:59:58 PM »
They're all great, but I LOVE that cousin Eddie guard!

Offline Starchaser

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Re: Echo_Six's customs
« Reply #149 on: June 11, 2021, 11:19:00 PM »
This is a nice set of updates! I love the Bespin Wing Guards. Yotts turned out really cool! I love that recipe. Really good job all the way around.