Today, I kept my butt in the house where it was warm. Played some Xbox and watched some TV. Last night, we had our annual "Shop With A Firefighter" for our fire department, where we take some underprivledged children from the community, and take them to Wal-Mart to do some Christmas shopping. I do it every year, and it's always such a rewarding feeling. The little girl and her brother that my wife and I had last night were some of the best i've ever had. These poor kids had lost everything because their mother left them...again for the 2nd time...and also failed to lock their trailer door, so someone broke in and stole all of their toys. We're supposed to give each kid a limit of $100, but I pay Union dues for a reason, and since my Union covers whatever is extra, I don't stick so close to that $100. The two kids were very polite, very thankful, and just adorable. The boy, about 11 years old, has a lot of anger at his mother, and it was sad to see. He told me tht his "crap-ass mother stole his $30" before she left them. I snuck $30 into one of his gifts before he left. I seriously wanted to throw them into my car, stop off at Wal-Mart to get some paint for bedrooms, and take them home. They were adorable and such good kids, I want so bad to ensure they grow up well. I hope they can overcome their sad lives right now and rise above it all. They're staying with their aunt right now, and she seems to be a good lady. Clean, nice vehicle, seemed loving and appreciative. Here's hoping...