The Spectre: Yes, there was suposed to be a Series 2 for those crates, but I couldn't find any pictures or other further evidence for it. When you look for those on YouTube "Series 2" is right at the suggestions, but one will only find reviews of Series 1. I'll update you as soon as I know more. I wanted to contact Uncle Milton anyway to ask them if these crates were available in Europe. I could so use everything of them.
Tamer: And I thought I was the last one to learn about those Xcavation Crates! lol
I'm glad some people could find this helpful. I think I never saw those here in Germany, though. I still hope you can find them out in the American wild for under 2 bucks each.
JDeck: Yes, I saw pictures of the Rancor and Tauntaun skeletons onine. Did anyone see them somewhere? I even can't find them on ebay...
Those straws are brilliant! I'd suppose they're also cheaper than the tubes. I'm curious what you'll make with them!
Thanks for commenting everyone!
- Philipp