Author Topic: Moronarama Custom Figures  (Read 65101 times)

Offline Starchaser

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #225 on: March 24, 2020, 03:33:55 PM »
Brilliant collection again. Your imagination never ceases to amaze. I love that you provide backstories for each of these - and then you sell them:( I especially like the design of the Grasia bounty hunter and FX-H3V. Great work!

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #226 on: March 24, 2020, 05:17:17 PM »
Another great batch! I like the green alien bounty Hunter and the predator trooper is rad.

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #227 on: March 27, 2020, 06:44:50 AM »
Brilliant collection again. Your imagination never ceases to amaze. I love that you provide backstories for each of these - and then you sell them:( I especially like the design of the Grasia bounty hunter and FX-H3V. Great work!
Thanks, Starchaser.  I hope I can keep the backstories up, its not my forte and doing 15 every month is gonna challenge me not to repeat myself.  And yeah I sell them, but arts about the journey not the product ... and I gotta pay down some credit card debt :)  I'm actually working on a new Jawa diorama for myself and will be keeping a few news droids and jawas to help fill it out.  I'll post that mess when its done :)
An I thought he Grasia came out pretty well, thought he looked tough. The FX-H3V was hard to put together.  I used a vinyl screw as a new neck post for the head and I  had to crack that M.A.R.S. robot body to get the head of the screw inside.  Those bodies are some of the hardest I've ever had to crack.  I think the have 5 internal peg posts ... I almost would have done better to saw the whole in half and rebuild the seam than try cutting it all with an xActo.  But the figure turned out well, so I guess it was worth it :)

Another great batch! I like the green alien bounty Hunter and the predator trooper is rad.
I was really happy with how the Green Alien turned out.  I just played around with a bunch of parts and they just all really worked well visually together.
On the Predator Trooper, I ended up with a bunch or ReAction Predators with the helmet on so I've been playing around with them on different vintage Kenner bodies.  I did that Predator pilot a few runs back and I'm working on one on a Boba Fett body now.  I'm gonna carve on the face mask to give in the Mando look and some other little greebles.  We'll see how it turns out.

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #228 on: April 21, 2020, 01:16:17 AM »
A little late, but here are my customs for April.

eBay Link to the auctions for this latest batch

BGD-296 – Security Droid
BGD-296 stands out in a crowd, painted up like some galactic hot rod.  And that suits him just fine, because intimidating appearance eliminates nearly half you threats right off the bat.  The rest should be no match for his supercharged reflexes and impeccable aim.  Plus his clients prefer a little flash in their security detail. Specializing in the celebrity elite, holofilm stars and casino magnates, BGD-296 hasn’t lost a client yet.

Head is from a Minimates Lost in Space Robot figure.  The torso is from a M.A.R.S. Heroes Cybotronix Create & Build robot.  The arms and hands are from a Gundam figure.  The legs are from a SW Super Battle Droid.

C1-GREEN2 “Greenie” – Service/Protocol Droid
Greenie runs the Majestic Purrgil, a freighter in the Free Merchant Fleet.  He maintains the inventory, scheduling, navigation, and supervises its half dozen maintenance robots.  The captain, Argus Donger, is drunk who might have been great in his youth, but now days couldn’t navigate himself out of a bottle of Wookie Mead.  Greenie makes sure things get where they need to be on time and that Cpt. Donger doesn’t drink away his family’s nest egg, or run it sideways into an asteroid.  And Greenie waits, as only a droid can do, hoping the captains heirs are a little more responsible.

The head is from a Fortnite Toxic Trooper figure.  The torso and legs are from a Roblox Duel Droid 5000 figure.  The arms are from a Gundam figure.

Cap'n Snakebeard (Cthulhoid Pirate) & Firstmate (Cthulhoid Dagon Brute Pirate)
There is no more feared name in wild regions of the OuterRim, than Cap’n Snakebeard.  How many burning hulks have been left in this foul villains wake, marked with the sign of the burning tentacle?  More than could be counted.  Mysterious is the Chthulhoid race, and more mysterious is Cap’n Snakebeard, with his frightening crew of Dagon Brutes, reaping havoc across the systems. So keep your shields up lad and watch you scanners, ‘cause the Cap’n is out for blood!

Cap'n Snakebeard – This is a SW Chirrut Imwe with a hand sculpted head.  The chain holster is from a  True Heroes Pirate figure.  The pistol is from a SW Captain Antilles figure and the sword is from an Indiana Jones Cairo Swordsman.
Firstmate – The body is a Batman Unlimited Scarecrow figure with a hand sculpted head.  The sword is from True Heroes Ork figure.

Doogus Skor – Human Bounty Hunter
Doogus Skor knows the value of protecting ones identity.  Once he lived his life in the sun, one of the great Manhunters of Pamarthen, noble and driven more by justice than monetary gain.  But when he crossed the Black Sun, they had no problem tracking down his clan and murdering his family down to the last child.  After that Doogus donned the hood and sought bounties from anyone asking.  He took jobs from any scum that asked, as long as it offered a chance to hurt the Black Sun.

The head is from an Incredibles 2 Voyd figure.  The torso, arms & hands are from a Marvel Hawkeye figure. The legs are Marvel Winter Soldier.  The scarf is from Marauder’s Gun Runners, and the belt is from a True Heroes Villain figure.  The rifle is from SW Guavian enforcer and the pistol is from GI Joe Major Blood figure.

EC-4-8 – Battle Caddie Droid
EC-4-8 has worked for five different bounty hunters, hauling weapons and gear,  since he was originally activated in 52 BBY5.  He’s luckier than most droids, his first master equipped him with a secured back up memory, so that even if a new master wipes him, he can run reupload his full memory.  All those years of combat experience and observation … well that’s why he’s outlasted five masters.  Never underestimate a good battle caddie.

The head is a SW MK4 Sentry Droid.  The torso is a SW Pit Droid. The arms are from a SW Battle Droid. The lower body/treads are a combiners piece that came with the SW Force Awakens Finn figure.  The back pack is from a SW Rey figure and the rifle is from a GI Joe

Elder Thing – HP Lovecraft Custom from “At the Mountains of Madness”
The torso is a Schleich Barrel Cactus.  The wings are from a Thundercats Mum-Ra figure.  The tentacles are hand sculpted in Apoxy Sculpt.

Gorus Lobstorus – Nephram Bounty Hunter
Gorus has been in more than his fair share of hot water.  Some of it is his fault, he loves the ladies, but not as much as he loves Sabaac.  But he’s also had more than a little bad luck.  He probably could have had a better run at the bounty on Rebel General Lando Calrissian if he hadn’t lost his ship to him on Canto Bight, but no one could have seen the hyperdrive on that shuttle he stole coming lose from the housing and rocketing through the Golden Bantha Casino.  Now Gorus spends as much time running from the Canto Syndicate as he does running down bounties. If it weren’t for bad luck …

Simple head and hand swap.  The torso, arms & legs are from a SW El-Les figures.  The head and hands are a Vitruvian HACKS Crustacean.  The rifle is from SW Dash Rendar and the pistol is a trimmed up flintlock from Pirate of the Caribbean.

K0-DMX – Assassin Droid
When you first see K0-DMX toddling towards you with his uneven gate, you’d be more amused than frightened.  But that’s all part of the ruse.  Like the Drunken Masters of old, what appears to be a sloppy accident is a deadly and precise strike. A quick strike with that molecular blade or a seemingly haphazard shot from his blaster, will certain spell doom for the unexpecting prey.
Head is a Ready 2 Robot shoulder weapon.  The torso is SW C-3P0.  Arms & legs are SW Battle Droid.

Kissoon – Lepi Jedi
The Lepi are not known for their focus, which is what makes Kissoon so unique.  He can stand stature still for hours, using his focus and Force powers to create a field that actually bends time.  Through this field, Kissoon can peer into the past and the future.  He also uses this power to frightening effect as a swordsman, making swing and strikes with such precision that only Master Yoda could keep pace with him on the training field.

Another head swap.  Head is a Zootopia Judy Hoops and the rest is SW Old Ben Kenobi.

Reequo Ferr – Jenet Bounty Hunter
The Jenet are a dirty and slanderous race, and Reequo Ferr is no exception.  He likes to claim himself a bounty hunter for the prestige, but his dirty claws are into every racket he can reach.  He never turns down a good heist (or a bad one), assassinations, kidnappings, coups, muggings, purse snatchings and petty theft.  And he’s wily, just as likely to shoot you as rob you.
The head is a Vitruvian HACKS Rodent.  The tail is from a SW Geonosian Zombie Worm.  The rest is a 6 inch Marvel Legends Rocket Raccoon.  The straps are from a SW Black Series Jawa.

Rogrog Bulko – Nimbanel Jedi
Rogrog Bulko never shied away from a fight, and that is probably what spelled his doom.  When the Sith Master has him drawn away from the temple on that ridiculous mission, it was so simple to get him neck deep in a gang of local goons.  So focused was he on beating back the hoard, that he never saw the dark figure enter the field.  He only felt his presence split second before the glowing red blade bit deep into his back and pierced his heart.  His final though of how foolish he was to lust for battle.
Head swap!  This is a SW Mosep Bineed head on a SW Agen Kolar body.  I used a Marauders Gunrunners scarf to hide the neck joint.

Sgt. Hald Itnou – Abednado Trooper
Hald Itnou was never going to be and officer, too much bad luck in being low born.  And for all the the Abednado’s talk of equality, the old caste system still held much sway. Hald knew that the military would be his life and he trained harder than any man in his battalion.  The Abednado Star Forces had been the pride of quadrant before the fall of the empire.  Sgt. Itnou wore that uniform with the pride of a man who knew nothing of how low his people would be brought in just a few decades. Too bad he never lived long enough to don the uniform of the rebellion.

The head is SW Cai Threnali and the hands are SW Clone Troopers.  The rest is some unknown unmarked figure I got with a lot of other figures.  And of course I stuck with the Beastie Boys naming scheme ... Hold it Now!

Tarusco – Iktochi Skiff Guard
Tarusco really liked working for Jabba Desilijic.  The pay was excellent, the food, booze, the parties, the violence.  It was everything Tarusco loved in life.  Damn that fool Jedi and his rebel friends!  They left him stranded in the wreckage of the Dune Sea.  It took him a week to walk to the neared settlement. And now he was stuck working for Jabba’s pathetic cousin, Graballa, who tried to put the pieces of Jabba’s empire on Tatooine.  Graballa was a cheap sleaze and if things didn’t get better, Tarusco’s blade might just sever his fat throat.

The head is SW Saesee Tiin.  The torso and arms are SW Quarren Soldier.  The hands are SW Kit Fisto.  The skirt and legs are Indiana Jones German Soldier.  The pole arms is unknown to me.

Teela Bosquito – Mirialan Smuggler
Teela Bosquito had to work twice as hard as any man to get where she was.  She had to spend ten years crewing for Ranko the Lesser before he lost that barfight and she was able to “inherit” The Gambler’s Sun.  And she had to spend another three getting job under the guise that his was still the old sot’s ship.  But finally after she managed to skirt the Imperial Blockade of Utapau and secure a load of Black Stars that she finally earned enough of a reputation to start crewing under her own name.  It’s a tough world, but she’s tougher.
The head is SW Luminara Unduli.  The rest of the body is Pirates of the Caribbean Angelica figure.  The vest is from SW Jyn Erso, the belt is from a GI Joe Scarlett and the holster is from SW Black Series Lando Calrissian.

Tres Shamble – Sullustan Prospector
You can smell Old Tres and parsec away.  He’s not one to let something like a bath get in the way of hunting a new vein of Coaxium.  He’s spent fifteen years convinced that there’s a moon full of the stuff somewhere in the Zeffo System.  So he goes following old maps and bad hunches in a search for that Big Score.

The head is SW POTF Nein Numb.  The torso & legs are Hobbit Kili the Dwarf.  The arms are from SW ROTJ Luke Skywalker and the hands are SW Kit Fisto.  The hat is from a a Walking Dead Carl figure and the jacket is from Men In Black Boris figure.  The rifle is from Maurader’s Gunrunners.

« Last Edit: April 21, 2020, 10:34:18 AM by Tamer »

Offline Aude

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #229 on: April 21, 2020, 03:07:39 AM »
I’ve come to look forward to these monthly updates, Mo. Your creativity and diversity of offerings is always a lot of fun! Snakebeard and his swashbuckling first mate have a lovely Innsmouth feel (especially that mucky first mate- yikes!). Your K0-DMX reminds me of a TMNT Fugitoid Robot toy I had growing up. Tres would be right at home dealing with Doc Jawa & co out west. And your Gorus has to be my favorite of the batch- just a well thought out and constructed figure and pleasing to look at. Thanks for another mountain’s worth of madness. ;)

Offline JDeck

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #230 on: April 21, 2020, 07:36:55 AM »
Another great batch! I especially like your droids, but that prospector is cool, especially utilizing the Kenner head. The backstories great too.

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #231 on: April 21, 2020, 10:45:09 AM »
Wow, another great batch. I see some great use of those HACKS add ons. I put my two favorite ones on the front pages.

Offline Starchaser

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #232 on: April 21, 2020, 06:01:39 PM »
Another excellent collection. I particularly like the Jenet - great use of parts - and the Nephran, but they are all pretty great.

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #233 on: April 22, 2020, 05:36:17 AM »
I went back through and looked again. That Abednado Trooper looks tough as nails too, as does that Assassin droid. I can't pic a favorite out of these! Man that Cactus Lovecraft creation is cool too. Just nice work.

Offline Moronarama

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #234 on: April 24, 2020, 10:32:40 AM »
I’ve come to look forward to these monthly updates, Mo. Your creativity and diversity of offerings is always a lot of fun! Snakebeard and his swashbuckling first mate have a lovely Innsmouth feel (especially that mucky first mate- yikes!). Your K0-DMX reminds me of a TMNT Fugitoid Robot toy I had growing up. Tres would be right at home dealing with Doc Jawa & co out west. And your Gorus has to be my favorite of the batch- just a well thought out and constructed figure and pleasing to look at. Thanks for another mountain’s worth of madness. ;)
Thanks, Aude.  Snakebeard came out better than I originally expected, ad i think the pair of the tell a nice story.  NA I remember the Fugitoid ... in fact I'm working on a new droid with parts from the old figure.  Hopefully he turns out well.  Tres was another lucky one where the parts just came together well.  It some point in the far flung future I think I'll try to keep a few and make a Star Wars Western diorama.  It took some thinking to figure out the best way to use that Crustacean head on Gorus.  I decided i liked the look of the thinner body, gave it more of an insect look.  I'm glad you enjoying my weird creations.

Another great batch! I especially like your droids, but that prospector is cool, especially utilizing the Kenner head. The backstories great too.
I was just screwing around with parts on the prospector and that Walking Dead hat fit perfectly on that POTF head.  The rest just fell into place from there.  Thanks, J.

Another excellent collection. I particularly like the Jenet - great use of parts - and the Nephran, but they are all pretty great.
I've had that Rocket Raccoon body kicking around for a while, just never finding the right way to us it, and then i got the Rodent head in Virtuvian pack and I knew that was it.  It has to cut down quite a bit of Rocket's body around the neck to get the socket to catch on the Rodent head.  But once it was on it was a perfect fit and articulates nicely.

Wow, another great batch. I see some great use of those HACKS add ons. I put my two favorite ones on the front pages.
I went back through and looked again. That Abednado Trooper looks tough as nails too, as does that Assassin droid. I can't pic a favorite out of these! Man that Cactus Lovecraft creation is cool too. Just nice work.
Thanks, Tamer.  It kills me I can't identify the body on the Abednado, cause I would love to use one again.  But there are no maker markings on it anywhere.  Its a good body and super articulated.  And the assassin droid is one of my favorites.  I just keep imagining him wbbling around like Jackie Chan in the Drunken Master movies.

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #235 on: May 17, 2020, 11:18:49 AM »
eBay Link to the auctions for this latest batch

Bomby Tiggs – Asogian Smuggler – A Star Wars/ET the Extraterrestrial Mashup

Bomby Tiggs might be the most well liked criminal in the universe.  He doesn't make a habit of stealing from others, but when he does, you almost feel like he's done you a favor.  He keeps most of his felonious activity aimed at the Empire, so that helps, cause nobody likes those guys.  He also makes sure to never deal with slavers and donate a portion of his proceeds to the foundling houses where ever he visits.  Toss is a few rounds for the house and every one sasy that Bomby Tiggs is a “heck of a guy.”

Head is from an ET vinyl figure. Torso, arms & legs are Austin Powers Mini-Me.  The rebreather pack is from a Rick and Morty lego Krombopulus.  The helmet is from a Playmobil astronaut and the holster is from a GI Joe Firefly figure.

BOX-524 – Security Droid

When you see a BOX series droid you know that security is at the forefront of their owners concern.  You would never expect one to translate for you or tell you proper dining etiquette.  Never expect it to navigate of maintain an inventory, unless it was of available weapons.  The BOX series is heavily armored, surprisingly nimble and combat ready.

Head is from a Dollar Tree antiaircraft tank.  Torso is a TMNT Fugatoid.  Arms are SW Super Battle Droid.  Legs are SW POTF EV-9D9.

Bwarrah “Bald-top” - Wookie Bounty Hunter

Bwarrah hates slavers.  In the vacuum after the Empire left, Slaver ran rampant and there were many raid on Kashyyyk, many of his loved one were taken.  So Bwarrah left his world and took sacred vows as and avenger of the lost.  He marked himself an outsider by shaving the hair off the top of his head and taking up alien weapons.  Working under the guise of a bounty hunter he seeks out his lost family in slave markets around the Outer Rim.  He take only bounties that further his goal of freeing his people and reaping his revenge.

The head, torso and arms are a Cryptozoololgy figure (it came with the legs broke off, other wise I might not have used it for a custom).  The legs are from a Sonic Camo Iron Man 3 figure.  The loincloth is from a Thor Odinson figure.  The bandoleer is from a Hobbit Fili the Dwarf.  The sword is unknown, the axe is from a Might World Lost Mummy set, and the the blaster if from a MIB 3 Agent J figure.

Darth Xenos – Xenomorph Sith – A Star Wars/Aliens Mashup

When H'Chik first hatched from his host he knew he was different from the rest of his brood mates.  He could send and feel strange energies that none of the others could.  It allowed him to separate from the hive mind of the queen and pursue his own goals.  Somehow he stayed off the radar of the Jedi, but was eventually found by Darth Scobious, who trained him to harness his dark powers.  Renamed Darth Xenos, he became his masters iron right hand, bringing death and chaos the their enemies.  But he is ambitious, and waits for the day he can seek his master's place.  He even returned to his home world to fetch a special egg.  The force sensitive embryo within will grow strong inside his masters chest, creating a apprentice of inconceivable power.

The head is a Minimates Alien.  The torso and upper legs are from a SW Clone Wars Anakin Figure.  The arms are a SW Black Series Master Luke Skywalker.  The hands and legs are from a SW Undead Geonosian.

Dido Rankink – Ardennian Smuggler

Dido Rankink isn't much of a smuggler on his own, but he is one hell of a mechanic.  After a dozen failed solo runs, he signed on to the crew of the Vesper Reach, under Captain Regis Kloor.  Dido keeps the engines is the Reach in tip top shape and Kloor makes sure Dido get a nice slice out of every job.

Head is a Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Men Tell No Tales Monkey figure.  The torso arms, and legs are a SW Clone Wars Boba Fett (Young version).  The belt is from a GI Joe Snake Eyes figure.  I think the size is better on this one than my last attempt at an Ardennian.   Still not thrilled about the back arms, still need to work on a way to make both arms joint from the shoulder.

Illiot Ponk (Sibian Bounty Hunter) & FZT Speeder Bike

Illiot Ponk never looses the trail when he's on the hunt.  Maybe its the oversized olfactory gland his race is famous for, but he's also incredibly intuitive, bordering on Force Sensitive.  And for his large size he's incredibly stealthy, almost always catching his quarry unawares.  He has tricked out his FZT swoop to run almost silent so he can close distance with great stealth.  Illiot Ponk is a creature to be feared.

Figure - The head is from a SW Correlian Hound.  The torso, upper arms and upper legs are from a Marvel Falcon figure.  The lower arms are from a GI Joe Retaliation Roadblock figure.  The lower legs are Marvel Thor Odinson.  The shoulder piece is from a Hobbit Dwalin the Dwarf.  The sword is from a  Dollar Tree ninja and the pistol is from a GI Joe figure, but I'm not sure which one.
I really like how this guy tuned out. I really wanted to use that Correlian hound head, it just so cool and alien.  And I like how the slightly oversized forearms and lowe4r legs give him this gangly look.

FZT Speeder Bike – The base is a Power Rangers Mystic Force Mystic Racer.  The gatling gun on the front is and accessory from a SW FN-2187 Armor up figure.  The side rifle is from SW Baze Malbus and the holster is from a Animal Planet figure.  I tried to spray pain a base coat of black and something went wrong and it started clumping up.  I was ticked at first, but then I though is gave it a crusty/scarred/used look and went with it. 

Joobus – Gand Thora Jedi

Like most of his race, Joobus cannot tolerate the atmosphere on most planets.  This had proven no problem for the most part as his rebreather system allowed him to function in most environments and carry out his duties as a Jedi Knight.  Alas it was at the Battle of Falleen when his system was damaged and he knew is time was done.  He fought bravely and tried to cover his clone contingent's escape from the Separatist invaders.  But the there was no home for the overwhelmed battle group.  Joobus died choking on poison air and watching his men be cut down.

Yet another “butthead”.  Simple head swap, head is a Geonosian Warrior pelvis with two Bic pen back caps for eyes.  The body rest is SW Agen Kolar.  I used a Marauders Gunrunners scarf to hide the neck joint.

Kogo Phile – Chadra Fan Droid Merchant

You looking for a good droid, then you need to go no further than Kogo Phile's Arena of Automatons.  He's got everything you need: service droids to serving droids; Astromechs to Astro-Haulers.  And at great prices, they're almost criminal.  Don't deal with those filthy Jawas down the street, com the the Arena of Automatons, where the deal cannot be beat!

I took inspiration from Chuckles use of the Vitruvian Bat/Vampire head to make a Chadra Fan.  So the head here is from a McFarlane Twisted Land of Oz Scientist.  The body is a Dark Crystal Hup figure.  The belt is from a SW Anakin, the pouch is unknown, and the holster is from a Star Trek figure. 

KRZ-12 – Navigation Droid

The KRZ-10+ series were a vast improvement on the KRZ-1+ series, now using a Dual Galactic Positioning System to increase hyper jump processing.  They have also been proven to improve hyperfuel efficiency by 50%.  It is why Viscount Industries were not too concerned that complaints came in the the droid's personality matrix tended to be a little “bristly.”  Several units had been reported to have run their captain off the bridge for trying to override the KRZ-12 calculations in favor of a more traditional route.  And so what if that quicker route led through a radiation belt.  Hardly anyone dies from radiation poisoning anymore.  What's a minor and only slightly lethal radiation dose compared to these kind of savings?

The head is Power Rangers Alpha 5.  The torso and arms are from a Marvel Iron Man figure.  The legs are from a Minimates Battle Beasts Ruminant figure.  The data pad is from a SW Black Series Admiral Ackbar.

Master Tog – Geonosian Jedi

It was a rare thing for a Geonosian to become a Jedi.  There were theories that their physiology blocked or shielded against the Force.  Other's felt their propensity for hive thinking and low intelligence meant few of them could ever recognize their own Force abilities.  Either way is was a unique day, when Tog the Geonosian was promoted to Master.  But he had proven himself a thousand times over.  From the Incident at Rykeen to the Battle of Orkoros, he was known to be a cunning force user and selfless Knight of the Republic.

Head, arms and legs are SW Poggle the Lesser.  The torso is SW Obiwan Kenobi.

P-10D4 – Separatist Protocol Droid

It was determined at the Colicoid Foundry that the original protocol droid designs were too alien, and that Humanoid races found them … off-putting.  So with the new series the moved away from the giant cyclopian head and multi-jointed arms that resembled their insectoid creators.  But they could not be persuaded  to move to a bipedal design, it was just beyond sense to the engineers.  But the humanoid should be pleased they now have two eyes to look into when dealing with the their Separatist overlords.

Head and torso are from a GI Joe Valor vs Venom Bat figure.  The arms are SW General Grievous.  The legs are from a SW Droideka figure.

Quellus – Neo-Bespinian Bounty Hunter

The Neo-Bespinian could no longer abide to share their world with the solid creatures who had invaded their skis and build their massive floating cities.  Those gas miners were destroying their breeding grounds, so the Neo-Bespinian would need to find a new home.  But this would take resources, so it was decreed that their bravest would go out into the stars and get what was needed for their people to travel to a new home.  Quellus was one of these brave souls.  Trading what little they had for the specialized tech needed to make pressurized gas suits so they could interact with the fleshy world, their scouts and agents scattered into the worlds.  Quellus soon discovered that bounty hunting was a quick way to raise capital for his people, and he had little concern for the lives of these rancid meat sacks.  Ruthless efficiency had earned him a reputation as a solid manhunter.  And so the credits flow to his people for their eventual exodus.

The head is a helmet from a Alien Reaction Ripley in Spacesuit figure with cotton in side to simulate the gas.  The rest if the body is a Fortnite Toxic Trooper figure.  The belt and holster are from a SW Garindan figure.  Not sure where I got the back pack.

R13-D10 – Astromech Droid

R13-D10 did not care for his current assignment.  Captain Stern was and idiot and R13 was sure he was going to end up disassembled  or floating loose in space before this whole escapade was complete.  If it weren't for this ridiculous restraining bolt, he would have launched himself out of an escape pod and month ago.  But he had a plan.  He was making friends with the chief engineer.  He figured he could flash the old boy a hologram from a pretty young thing about being her only hope and the he'd be home free. It was a solid plan.

The legs are SW Build a Droid Astromech legs, the body is the arms from a modular dollar store robot and the eye is once again a pieced from the Mastermind board games.  I spray painted it with Kylon this time for a base to give it a smoother look.

Tosifo – Wequay Bounty Hunter

If you leaned anything growing up on Srilurr, it was how to be tough and how not to give up.  Also that working far the gangs was a road to nowhere.  Bounty hunting was the only real option for you Tosifo.  And he lived tough.  When he was pinned down or Ord Mantell, it was tough that let him dig his way into the scrap and ambush his attackers.  When that Nexu took his arm is was tough that let him pull out one of the beasts fangs and stab it in the eye.  Tough is how Tosifo lives and tough is how he gets the job done.

Head is vintage SW Kenner Weeqay.  The right arm is vintage SW Kenner 2-1B.  The left arms is from a  Reaction Masters of the Universe Man At Arms.  The legs are from  vintage SW Pruneface figure.

Urahki – Weequay Jedi

In spite of his weathered looks, Urahki has only just lost his Padawan braid.  And while he missed the companionship of his master, Master Lotollis, it was good to be out on his own conducting the business of the Temple.  He had learned well from his master that negotiation was always better than armed conflict.   And so it was that he traveled to Felucia to negotiate a truce with the Commerce Guild.  What could go wrong?
« Last Edit: May 18, 2020, 06:44:11 AM by Tamer »

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #236 on: May 17, 2020, 12:07:19 PM »
Another great batch, M. I'm especially loving Bwarrah, Illiot Ponk, and KRZ-12. Also, I see that Fugitoid torso! :) Any idea of the origin of the rifle you used for Bomby Tiggs? Is it from a Solo multipack?

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #237 on: May 18, 2020, 06:45:18 AM »
Now these are great. I took two of my favorites to the front pages. Shared your auctions too. Just great work.

I hope you got my message I sent a few weeks ago, very much appreciated!

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #238 on: May 18, 2020, 10:15:23 PM »
These are great (and some are bidding up nicely!). I really like Illiot and his speeder - great idea to use the Corellian hound head, he looks really dangerous. The Mystic Ranger speeder is a great base for a vehicle - I might have to borrow that idea. I also really like KRZ (that Alpha head seems to have endless possibilities) and P10-D4 (nice paint job on him too). Great job.

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Re: Moronarama Custom Figures
« Reply #239 on: May 19, 2020, 12:44:54 AM »
Fantastic work mate!