Appreciate the feedback guys!
I recently started a 'figure of the day' project. I'll be posting a picture of one figure each day, so I have enough figures for years. I assume I'll miss a day here or there, but so far it's fun so I'll go until it's not fun anymore.
Mostly it'll be unaltered figures from my collection so I won't be sharing them here, but there will be customs in the mix so sometimes there may be crossover.
Today is the first 'custom' in the project. It's the 2010 Vintage Collection Fett figure (VC09) depicting his appearance in the Return of the Jedi, but I've customized it with a better helmet sculpt from the 5-POA Solo & Fett two pack (2017). In my opinion this is now the definitive ROTJ Fett figure. (It's something I made awhile ago, but can't remember if I shared it in the forum before now.)
Friend-request on Facebook ( or follow or Instagram (@utah_don) to follow as I continue the FoD project.