Also shots from yesterday, I usually run the overhead lights on in here but turned em off for this shoot.
As you can see, I have been augmenting some of the cabinets with LED colored lighting effects within the riser for under glow and behind/on top of the cab for some back glow. Some are bulbs, some sticks, and some tape lights. That Tempest cab actually has black lights under and over.
The newer cabs, gen 3 and beyond, all have integrated USB ports in their PCBs now that can be used to power all but the bulbs. The LEDs keep the power consumption low. I can run all 19 cabs,3 pinball machines, lights, a radio, lights in the pretty cases,2 media sound systems thus far, “one in ridge racer, and one in Big Blue street fighter”,the race track, a 75inch flat screen, a surround sound system, and still haven’t blown a breaker.
I think there are only two fuses for down there and one is the lights. I’ll attend to that one of these days. I am still framing.