I do hope that Uncle Milton still exist. I mean why would they still maintain their customer service then? Maybe you or Tamer can just copy and paste my message without the introduction and just re-send the message to them in case mine just didn't get through from outside the U.S.
Well, that's an interesting reason to not go to Hobby Lobby. It was quite far away from my location. I think it was in Muskegon, MI - so were TARGET and Toys "R" Us. Despite the fact that I had my license in Germany already, I wasn't allowed to drive in Michigan back in 2010. Luckily I haven't had a single accident since then. But traffic here becomes crazier every year from a subjective perspective. And I think I know what you mean regarding insecure drivers in the U.S. - many of which can't even drive vehicles other than automatic gear.
Sometimes I so wish to live in the U.S. - but I like living in Germany, too, even without those Xcavation Crates! lol
So glad you could find them. Are they still available at Walmart. too? I think I will just stick to empty bottle lids and similar packaging.
Did the prices for shipping by USPS really go down due to Corona? That's amazing! Wish they did the same here. Had a good laugh when I read
your comment on the virus Just had to watch this again...