Hilarious Mauldalorian. Got a good chuckle out of this one.
Philipp I so agree I will be glad when next week rolls around just to put another digit after the 20. It sure has been one for the books. And I agree for me and my family it was more than just Covid 19. So glad the vaccine is starting to make its way around now and folks can see hope of living like they are used too.
And Lenny bud, I started this place out of a love for customs. It is the whole reason me and a few buds started this so many years ago. Some have come and gone, but I leave the light on and hope they come back around some year. And some have! I just love the artwork. It just amazes me what folks can create out of plastic and a little tlc. And so quickly too. I felt like some of those episodes of the Mandalorian just came out and by day's end you had an awesome custom posted that was just spot on.
I remember talking with Derryl DePriest, head of Star Wars at Hasbro at the time, and he commented that having seen the site that there was no way they would ever be able to replicate the work folks like customizers do. There is just no way to put that incredible level of detail into an assemblyline process. He said he loves to gaze at the work the customizers here do. I took that as one of the greatest compliments for the customizers here too. Derryl is good people and a real fan of the franchise, just not a bottom line business guy.
Anyhow as I started waxing long again I just really want to reiterate that I do see this place as my artistic creation and want this to be a place conducive to learning and creating and getting better at the craft of customizing and just liking things sci-fi, fantasy, and anything even remotely related to action figures and collecting. I hope folks feel welcome here.
And a new image from Lenny. These are so much fun too.