Author Topic: Star Wars The Bad Batch  (Read 25545 times)

Offline DarthHawk

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Re: Star Wars The Bad Batch
« Reply #60 on: July 11, 2021, 08:34:49 AM »
Breaking them out would be the obvious plot line for the next episode.
If not the next one then the following week.
How the "non bad batch" characters play out in this one remains to be seen.
I can't see them letting little "o" stay in the background for two episodes in a row.
How will she screw up the rescue? How will she put the crew in an unexpected predicament?
How long will it take for the rescue of Hera and her parents to become a double rescue? Hera/her parents and "o".
Once the rescue has happened does that mean the B.B. will now be a target on the empires radar? Will our hero's now be pursued by the empire, bounty hunters, crosshair and possibly the rebellion????

Offline RC-1136

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Re: Star Wars The Bad Batch
« Reply #61 on: July 16, 2021, 12:40:10 AM »
With each episode, I have more questions than answers for Howzer/Ballast.  ()rr

It would seem him and his brothers developed a conscious. I'm curious what that's all about. Because to my understanding the control chip was absolute.
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Re: Star Wars The Bad Batch
« Reply #62 on: July 16, 2021, 07:44:56 AM »
to my understanding the control chip was absolute.

I found myself asking the same questions this episode. For the regular clones there evidently wasn't a way for them to override it if you believe all the canon, if there is even such a thing anymore.

I am also wondering why our clones aren't aging faster too. I am thinking they should be getting to at least middle age now. I keep hoping to perhaps see Omega Squad and Skirata show up in this series. I want some RCs! Think how cool and episode of Omega meets Bad Batch would be our even Delta Squad for that matter!

Offline RC-1136

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Re: Star Wars The Bad Batch
« Reply #63 on: July 16, 2021, 11:48:27 AM »
to my understanding the control chip was absolute.

I found myself asking the same questions this episode. For the regular clones there evidently wasn't a way for them to override it if you believe all the canon, if there is even such a thing anymore.

I am also wondering why our clones aren't aging faster too. I am thinking they should be getting to at least middle age now. I keep hoping to perhaps see Omega Squad and Skirata show up in this series. I want some RCs! Think how cool and episode of Omega meets Bad Batch would be our even Delta Squad for that matter!

With them being legends, I can't say that would happen. No matter how badly I want it to happen. Haha.
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Re: Star Wars The Bad Batch
« Reply #64 on: July 16, 2021, 04:11:10 PM »
I don't even know where to start with how disappointed I was with this episode.
I expected to be disappointed. I just didn't think I would be disappointed to this degree.
As posted by RC-1136, when did the B.B. develop a conscience? More importantly how
did little "o" become their moral compass???????
I didn't realize that when a clone is being trained at the Kamino Academy of Tactics and Warfare the single most important class that includes the highest level of training is "How to be a Galactic P---Y 101."
Riddle me this Batman ----how can 2 adolescents that supposedly have little to no tech skills
or training (that we know of) override a computer system that was unhackable by a technology adept droid?
How does a pilot wannabe, Hera, with minimal training and virtually no flying experience master the art of piloting an incredibly complex shuttle/fighter craft in a matter of 30 seconds?
Let's discuss Crosshair. CH is as skilled, trained and experienced at the same level as the B.B.
His thinking skills and planning complexities are on par with his fellow special tactics unit sooo I beg this question. How was it that CH was so simpleminded that he couldn't think or plan the same contingency plans as the B.B.? He should have been able to think through their strategy plans and prevent them from getting away.
I won't even go into how an Imperial base on Ryloth that is as heavily armed and manned with multiple divisions of Clone troopers can be so easily infiltrated and raided.
I spose I should end it here. Always more to come!!!

Offline JDeck

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Re: Star Wars The Bad Batch
« Reply #65 on: July 16, 2021, 06:26:26 PM »
I liked it. Like I said it's definitely a link between clone wars and Rebels. The bad batch are becoming less like mercenaries and more like Rebels. Yeah I don't know how the inhibitor chip works anymore.

Offline RC-1136

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Re: Star Wars The Bad Batch
« Reply #66 on: July 17, 2021, 03:56:02 AM »
I liked it. Like I said it's definitely a link between clone wars and Rebels. The bad batch are becoming less like mercenaries and more like Rebels. Yeah I don't know how the inhibitor chip works anymore.

As a huge clone fan, I'm confused to fuck on that one bud.

So it works without question. Unless it doesn't? But then it does. Only to not be the case all the time.


This is one of the most impactful and eventful things that determined the course of galactic history and set the stage for the OT. I don't understand how that can be so damn confusing with the inhibitor chips. And when/why they do/don't work.

Because per their existence, that's pretty much it. If given a directive order they have to comply. They are a slave army controlled by biologically implanted chips. Hidden from the Jedi and the pre-Palpatine government.

I thought Disney being in charge of "all things canon" would be the end of these huge plot holes and disconnects. It would seem in their course these issues have become more apparent rather than less.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2021, 04:00:24 AM by RC-1136 »
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Re: Star Wars The Bad Batch
« Reply #67 on: July 17, 2021, 04:38:22 AM »
I think it comes to the matter of plot convenience. When the clones laid down their weapons and basically their lives for their sworn duty to protect democracy or whatever, that was Hunter's turning point. He went from a mercenary concerned only with risk and reward to turning down a large sum of money from one of the wealthiest people on Ryloth.
It's kind of Filoni's baby, he's been in charge of pretty much all tv shows since clone wars. Im sure they'll explain it later when the bad batch comes to bust them out of prison.

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Re: Star Wars The Bad Batch
« Reply #68 on: July 17, 2021, 07:11:33 AM »
I want Jon Favreau to direct a few of these. I have a feeling they would be awesome. I am just waiting for the Mandalorian to come back now.

I know I need to stop whining as they have said all the books written weren't necassarilly going to be the storyline when Disney took over, but man I loved those Karen Traviss RC Books and man it would be great to see them use this type of dynamic in their story. I gues then it wouldn't be Filonis.

Its new Star Wars so I will keep watching and probably gripe some more! ()rr

Offline DarthHawk

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Re: Star Wars The Bad Batch
« Reply #69 on: July 19, 2021, 05:15:42 PM »
Yeah I don't know how the inhibitor chip works anymore.[/color]

Maybe they can capture a clone, remove his inhibitor chip, modify its commands then implant it in omega.
That way she will obey the B.B.'s orders/directions, stop getting them into even more trouble,
and she will stop acting like the selfish, spoiled, self serving, know it all adolescent we have all come to _ _ _ _.

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Re: Star Wars The Bad Batch
« Reply #70 on: July 23, 2021, 06:43:03 PM »
That last episode blew chunks. I like the seedy side of star wars some of my favorite characters are smugglers and gangsters which leads me to my one big gripe. Why did they make a cheap knockoff of Vizago with that Devorian guy? I was hoping it was vizago, that would have been awesome. They even cut off his horn, so now we got two yellow devorian gangsters running around with one horn, what are the odds? Vizagos backstory is already established, they can't possibly say they're the same guy.  Why knockoff your own characters? either make him Vizago or something completely different.
They made the Pykes pretty forgiving for  a ruthless drug cartel. Anyway I thought Ord Mantell was under the territorial jurisdiction of the Black Sun.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2021, 07:33:44 PM by JDeck »

Offline RC-1136

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Re: Star Wars The Bad Batch
« Reply #71 on: July 23, 2021, 07:57:41 PM »
I agree with Jdeck. This was easily the worst episode to date. The only thing cool about it was the references to Gears of War; the hoverlift trolley system and the underground swarming creatures (underground trolley section of the first game and the bat-like swarming Kryll).
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Re: Star Wars The Bad Batch
« Reply #72 on: July 24, 2021, 06:00:23 AM »
Yeah, uh don't crime gangs just kill everyone who knows anything about em? I wouldn't see the Pykes just cutting off a horn and calling it square.

It ticked me off that Wrecker was all wuzzed out while Cid was a ok when they were getting the spice out. I want Bad Batch to just be tough, not bothered by much of anything, and just kick butt!

Offline DarthHawk

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Re: Star Wars The Bad Batch
« Reply #73 on: July 24, 2021, 07:50:28 AM »
Ohhhhhh, where do I begin. Everything that's been said so far, SPOT ON!
The story line was good. The premise had endless possibilities. The story
we were given---maintained the high level of mediocrity we've come to expect
from this series.
There was one positive note to this weeks episode. There wasn't a whole lot
of little "o" in this one.
Questions I have. Many they are, hmmmm.
How did Cid's organization get kicked out so easily?
Why didn't the B.B. go back for the spice earlier in the day when they knew their wouldn't be a chance they would run out of daylight?
Why were the Pyke so generous with their kindness?
Why is a group of clones that are so highly trained and expertly skilled so clumsy with a flashlight?
Lastly regarding Wrecker. If he becomes anymore pussified in this series hasblo will have to put Bruce Jenner's head on the Wrecker action figure.

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Re: Star Wars The Bad Batch
« Reply #74 on: July 24, 2021, 03:50:35 PM »
I'm sure we all wanted to see the Show go the way it did. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on here. You saved me 30 minutes of my life-time.