That or if you really don't like it just stop watching it?
I mean why watch a show you just get ticked off about? Or is society in general becoming troll like?
Pretty much sums it up. I like this show. It's not perfect, no piece of cinema is. Even the OT (which OT purists throw around like the gospel) has plenty of continuity errors, editing mistakes, and weak plot points. "But the mysticism! Nothing needs an explanation!" - if you have to make your own head canon to make something make sense that's weak story telling. Be that the prequels, OT, or sequels. I'm just saying. But people really seem to make this argument that nothing needs an explanation or background (characters, events, etc). And I don't necessarily agree with that. I also think that the same camp looks at the OT with a very set of nostalgia glasses and refuses to acknowledge the issues that were in place at the time. There were also technological restrictions at the time the movies were made that limited the vision Lucas had (which is why 1-3 had to come out decades later once technology caught up).
At least with
The Clone Wars we got to re-visit the prequels and fill the holes that episodes 1-3 did not have the time to tell given the grand scale of the story. And that show definitely made those movies more complete with that background. Re-watching those movies in conjunction with the animated series did make them stronger than on their own.
I guess what I'm saying here is this: don't knock down other fans, but at the same time acknowledge the issues each trilogy/spinoff has. None of them are perfect. I challenge people to do something that most society has forgotten to do: have friends with different opinions.
P.S. - let's face one more fact nobody is acknowledging: this show does not have a Grogu (aka baby yoda). Can we REALLY say
The Mandalorian would have had as many subscriptions to Disney+ and stand on it's own without him? I'm going to say definitely not. I'd love to see viewership/statistics on episodes with less/no baby Yoda versus those with more and I'm going to bet those numbers back up my claim.
Most people would not have bought into it. I can't even tell you how many
spontaneous "star wars fans" (who until this point had no skin in the game and did not care for anything else but this show) have come out purely just for this single character because "aww he so cute!" I'm not trying to gatekeep but by the same flip of the coin a lot of the ones I've spoken with have never watched any other piece of Star Wars cinema, read any of the books, or comics. I.e., they would have nothing to do with this franchise without baby yoda.