This looks very promising... 👀
It looks like a Star Wars meets Watchdogs based off the gameplay.
These are my observation from gameplay:
- Scoundrel gameplay.
-Story based.
-Blasters have different firing modes.
-Fallen enemies' weapons can be picked up and used.
-Pet lizard companion thing is interactive and follows given commands, much like BFII companion droid.
-Tactical approach decisions; sneak, guns blazing, slicing, etc.
-Quest lines with different factions, with different outcomes, and objectives.
- Enemy alert system; once altered, enemies will converge, flank, and overwhelm.
-Cover system? Hunker down if you are getting shot at.
- Health bar confirms some kind of healing ability will be present. Either Stims or Bacta.
-Speeder bikes! Chases? Customization???
-Starship! Dogfights confirmed! Hyperdrive and fast travel as well. Customization???
-Probable Galactic Civil War era, as Imperial stormtroopers and officers mentioned/observed
-Bounty system; once you bring heat to yourself you will have a bounty listed.
-BX Commando droid companion similar to Valentine from Fallout. He wears a trench coat.
-Faction alignment system; if you steal from the Pykes to appease a third party dealer, you will lose faction points with that faction.