I picked up Fatal Alliance just after it s release at a local Hastings... Last one they had... at their ussual promotional release price of %50 off a new hardback. I finished reading it for a third time on friday night before the most recent CW cartoon.
I really am liking this storyline, and look forward to future books of this era.
I hope they continue it for at least a couple more books.
I also picked up the latest installment of The Wheel of Time series "Towers of Midnight". I have been looking forward to this one for so long... I did miss the first week promotional deal at Hastings of %50 off cover price, but still got it for $19.99 plus tax. So far I have the entire series in first print, first release hardcover.
If you cant tell, I love this series. There are college level classes where people discuss only this series, and websites with a very comprehensive FAQ section about it. And if you cant find an answer, you can post new topics for discussion and hopefully gain some insight about it.
It is not something you can pick up and read out of order and understand fully, but each book contains a glossary which helps out alot sith anything that may cause you to have questions. A very Tolkeinesque series(not sure about spelling on that one), with books about books and lots of info about what the author has created within the series character and world wise.
I highly recommend it for anyone who enjoys reading alot... these books are all massive... and it is about the most consistently well written series I have ever read. Even with Mr Sanderson taking over the ending the story, it follows Mr Jordans style so well, I am hooked.
I really enjoyed the Conan series books written by Mr Jordan when I was younger.
I like big long books. My job has always given me lots of time away from home with little to do, so I read... that is what I do for my "me" time.