Funny Jules, just trying to get everything posted here. haha
Hey Doc I hope to see what you found at the $ store. I love the cheap stuff as you can tell I recycle everything. I even have a pic of some more interesting junk I have not done anything with.
Clonehead I bought that Fox in a lot of "damaged goods" off ebay. The seller tried hollowing helmets and other horrible attempts at various things on about 5 clones. He had started sanding the paint off to look like battle damage or something and it looked like crap. I touched up everything as far as red painted parts on the figure and helmet. Oh yea I filled the holes in the cheeks of the helmet with fix it and sanded that down a bit before painting.
Barry I can hear the music playing now and glad you like the background. I'll get to that in the dio section soon.
CloneCommander thanks and yea I love my low budget background fillers. They are super fun and easy. Not to mention I might save our environment with all the recycling. I'll have more on this soon in the dio section. For now here is more interesting junk...