Clone Commander, thank and glad you noticed the lighting on the wall sconces. I also have lights around the top that gives a low glow as well.
Barry thanks my man, you are too kind.
DRS, yes you are right, we set up scenes from different eras in here as well. Scroll down for a funny one...
Jtrooper, i know you could make this with everything you have done so far. The Rancor Pit is the expanding foam and it is called Great Stuff. I made Palpatines Office years ago, I got the paint from my parents who had repainted a lot of different things and gave me left over paint. Sorry I know that wasn't much help...
Tamer, thanks man and I'm glad to hear your daughter is liking them. I still have a few cards to throw fett
Jules, Oh I can't believe that. Your work is brilliant man! But thanks for the kind words buddy.
StenHunter me too, My office is jammed full of crap...but I love it!
Clint thanks buddy. It is made of foam core, thin cardboard stock, Das Pronto, a putty that air dries, and latex paint most likely from Lowes.
and now the party at Palpatines.