EE lists Samurai Star Wars Movie Realization Figures...
Star Wars finds itself transported back in time to Feudal Japan with Star Wars Movie Realizations Action Figures from Bandai Japan! Tamashi Nations infuses these high quality figures with characters from a galaxy far, far away and an added pinch of “wa” (Japanese style).
The infamous
Darth Vader is now a feudal Samurai General! Acclaimed artist Takeya Takayuki crafted this unique design that pays homage to the Japanese film influences on Star Wars. From the tip of his sharp lightsaber-turned-katana to the meticulously sculpted Samurai-esque armor, no details have been overlooked. Set includes two interchangeable lightsaber parts and three sets of interchangeable hands perfect for posing the Samurai-styled Sith Lord as he manipulates the Force.
Joining him is the
“Ashigaru” (“foot soldier” in Japanese) Stormtrooper. In this interpretation, Samurai Vader’s samurai foot soldiers of the Empire are clad in far-gone Japanese feudal era attire and armament. Set includes katana and blaster rifle accessories, as well as three sets of interchangeable hand parts.
These meticulously detailed figures are currently available for
pre-order at Entertainment Earth, with a scheduled arrival in August 2015.
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