this thread is for any knowledge on unproduced but planned action fleet models.
For example:
I know for a fact that the blue mcquarrie concept A-wing was a planned variant which was built in prototype but never produced:
btw I'm using that image as a reference for my own repaint version of the a-wing. I want to stay pretty close to that production image...
I also have found in my research on action fleet that the following ships were planned on being made and even promoted on some online stores, but never produced:
A-Wing Starfighter (blue)
Death Star II, The
Homing Spider Droid
Imperial Star Destroyer
Jedi Starfighter
Mon Calamari Cruiser
Podracer, Boles Roor's
Podracer, Neva Kee's
Speeder, Anakin Skywalker's
Speeder, Zam Wesell's
if anyone can find images of the other ships there I'd appreciate it.
Any more information about unproduced action fleet vehicles post it in here.