lambonspit found a name for the police creature
lambonspit send me today this message with a very very cool name for my custom Military Police creature:
"How about something like an Aarisian Hound. From the planet Aaris III, a lush planet full of jungles and oceans, the hounds were used in the civil war which took place between the native species prior to the galactic civil war. The hounds were shipped off planet and traded for weapons by the primitive race, and were quickly identified as excellent sentry guards due to their excellent sense of smell and their physique. Their planet of origin was forgotten soon after their discovery, and as such, domestic breeding became popular amongst police forces. Their planet of origin was once again founded on 8 ABY when an imperial Moff conducted research on the planet. "
I love it mate. I try to bring it on the custom base as well, this is really awesome. First this great wallpaper from Hangarbay94 and now this great story and name for the creature.
Thank you so much for your support guys, I really appreciate it.