Ti's the season to be merry!
divorce is a pain in my ass. LOL. I go to my mothers the night before for dinner, ( Santa comes early there for my 2 boys ) Sit there and listen to my sister ( me, me,me and look at what my kids are doing) and her 3 little ones, which I love to death. Next day(my favorite part) my wife and I wake early to my 2 little boys SCREAMING Santa's been here!
Open presents and eat cinnamon rolls (tradition) I love watching them open their presents, that's my favorite gift is watching them. especially when its something they really wanted. (star wars toys, yea, LOL) Then its off to my dads house where I have two half brothers and another half sisterand of course my sister (me,me,me and my kids, LOL)
Love my dad, he's just not much of a kid person (to bad for him, he's missing out) My step mom plays favorites to her kids, trys not to but she does. Guess when my 2 bros. and sis have kids. mine will be on the out. There to busy being into them self's right now. Love them all, but a pain in my ass. LOL
Almost give anything to be back in California with my wife's family.
she has 5 sisters, crazy bitches when they are together. could almost say I love them more than my own family, LOL
SORRY for being so wordy, it was kinda like therapy. LOL, LOL, LOL