Hi All,
Fallout 1:35 scale.
T-45 Power Armour - are from Miffles_Makes over on
www.cults3d.com and he has the T-45/T-51/T-51 Ultracite/T-60/X-01 power armours as well and they are 28mm and all are free to use, I resized mine to 1:35 scale as I can then use a lot of my 1:35 sale model kits with them.
Base - Is XPS foam cut to shape and the destroyed Red Rocket garage and partial sign were made using XPS foam and plastic card, I used XPS to do some of the debris and then used sand and dirt for the rest.
The tools/fuel cans/ gas cylinders/tyres/cement barricades are from the parts box and the skeleton is from Verlinden Models which I have had for years, The posters and magazine I got of the internet and resized them.