Well, I got the detail painting done on the Pond's figure and all that remained was to mix up some flesh tone to make the Rex head that I used, to look bald. Funny thing, all the time I spent mixing the dark red color for Pond's, Fox's, and the two Coruacant guard's graphics and all the time, I had a bottle of model master rust in my paint inventory that matched it perfectly. I didn't discover it until I started painting the ground work for Pond's Ryloth diorama. Figures.
Well I mixed a skin tone one shade lighter than the Pond figure's skin tone. That way, I could leave the negative parts of the face" inner ear, laugh lines, etc" unpainted leaving the slightly darker stock color and adding more depth to those areas.
I will be ready to show some final reveal pics of Ponds as soon as I get the border of his Ryloth diorama stained.
After that, I will move back to the contest mando and see what I can do to bring him more twards completion. Remember folks, as soon as I wrap up that contest mando, I will reveal the details of the contest so If you are not a registered shipyards member and wish to compete for the mando, you had better register now.