Author Topic: Clonehead's Custom Figures reloaded  (Read 149224 times)

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Re: Clonehead's Custom Figures
« Reply #255 on: April 28, 2009, 05:48:06 AM »
Yep, the next shots will be taken with the newer camera.
Here are some more shots of the legacy aotc incinerator trooper. Primary application of his markings is done and now it's time for touchups and general painting in white.

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Re: Clonehead's Custom Figures
« Reply #256 on: April 28, 2009, 07:41:16 AM »
I just like the look of legacy better.
I thought that you might. Here are a couple of pics of that clone and of the RC with some more detail painting done.

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Re: Clonehead's Custom Figures
« Reply #257 on: April 28, 2009, 07:46:28 AM »
And here are 4 shots of the final bit of papermache work on the snowmando's cape. I used tissue with a mixture of water and white glue to cover the coller mounting wire on the inside of the cape and to cover the hood framework on the back of the cape. I paid special attention to making the hood by actually tucking in the hood around the sides of the wire so that it appears that the cloth actually wraps around on the underside of the hood. I rendered a depression area in the inside of the hood where it hangs at its lowest point, and also rendered some wrinkles where i wanted them. After this dries and I paint it, I think that this one might turn out better than the first one.

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Re: Clonehead's Custom Figures
« Reply #258 on: April 28, 2009, 04:08:27 PM »
I got another coat of paint onto the back of the cape. I was out of that darker brown color that I had used before so I ended up mixing some up. I will let this coat dry and will go to drybrush the back before I repaint the white areas and then tackle the camo scheme on the inside of the cape and the hood.

While I was working on the mando, I figured that I would do some paint work on the helmet as well. This figure isn't far from completion, itself.

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Re: Clonehead's Custom Figures
« Reply #259 on: April 28, 2009, 09:26:28 PM »
Last post for the night.
I did some drybrushing on the back of the snow mando cape and then painted the white parts again. I also, bent his protruding coller mounting wires in twards each other. I will glue these together and paint them, later.

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Re: Clonehead's Custom Figures
« Reply #260 on: April 28, 2009, 09:27:36 PM »
A couple more shots of the cape and one update shot of the incinerator trooper with some more detail painting done and more yet, to do.

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Re: Clonehead's Custom Figures
« Reply #261 on: April 29, 2009, 05:43:29 AM »
Looks good Clint. Very nice. That incenerator trooper is looking good too. Nice detail.
Thanks, buddy. Yes, I am working on customs this morning, as usual. After sleeping in today "5:00am" I hopped into some more detail painting to the incinerator trooper. I have all of the white done except for his head, that arm with the keypad, and most of the backside.  I may add some black detail lines to the molded details on his boots. As this guy is coming along, I am really liking how he is turning out. I'm almost afraid to list him.........................
My plan today, is to finish the paintwork on this fig, do the camo to the snow mando's cape, and to get some paint onto the desert ops RC's dio. "I had one unpainted dio left and realizing how much I'm going to miss the contest mando's dio, I decided to do one for my desert RC." Pics of these other projects are, of course, forthcoming.

UPDATE:  I added a pic to this post of the detail work to the incinerator trooper's boots. That took longer than I thought that it would.
« Last Edit: April 29, 2009, 07:17:38 AM by Clonehead »

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Re: Clonehead's Custom Figures
« Reply #262 on: April 29, 2009, 12:53:19 PM »
OK, after working on him, refining the detail paint some more, I am ready to call him done. Here are some final reveal pics. I gotta say, guys, I am kind of taken by this one. I know that it's just a repaint but, there's just something about him. Just the right amount of detail, I guess. I was grumbling when I did the details on his feet but now, I really like how he turned out. I'm suffering some inner turmoil here, should I list him or not? He would go well, after all, with Fox and Co.
  Oh by the way, when I call the desert ops RC done, remind me to take some pics of him with the rest of my custom RCs. There are 4 of em, now. I will even post pics of the purple one, Shawn.

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Re: Clonehead's Custom Figures
« Reply #263 on: April 29, 2009, 12:55:52 PM »
4 more pics of the incinerator trooper. AOTC legacy style. I forgot to mention how happy I am to get back on some legacy figures for a change. You gotta love that more realistic style.

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Re: Clonehead's Custom Figures
« Reply #264 on: April 29, 2009, 06:12:17 PM »
Moving along, I figured I should start to apply the camo to the inside of the cape and its hood. Starting with the hooc, I decided to go with a tighter camo pattern of a slightly lighter color of brown than last time. Shawn, I would ask if you approve of this before I continue, although I suspect that you have already went to bed for the night. I do have another thing or two i can work on while I wait for your opinion.
What do you think, guys? Guys?

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Re: Clonehead's Custom Figures
« Reply #265 on: April 30, 2009, 06:43:26 AM »
Got a comparison shot here, in between the factory stock FU incinerator trooper, my legacy aotc version, and a blank aotc clone. Why is the whitey clone there? I was worried about not listing that aotc incinerator trooper because he looked to pretty to want to give up so, I'm going to paint up another one to sell.

Oh, Tamer, the snow mando is almost done. Don't go changing the rules on me now. ;)  Keep in mind that while this mando may be employed by the empire, he might provide his own equipment and therefore needs to look a bit off from what uniforms the impirial guys are wearing. "it sounded like a good excuse anyway" You will get enough imperial figures wearing that same style of camo as your ATAT driver to satisfy your itch "and to probably turn me off of camo apps for a month" what, with the ATAT drivers that you sent me and the Veers fig that I had mentioned.

You are right in that Hasbro needs to tighten up as far as the legacy figs are concerned. With the increased price should come increased quality. NO MORE SEMI ARTY FIGURES! unless it's like a Jabba fig or something.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2009, 06:46:19 AM by Clonehead »

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Re: Clonehead's Custom Figures
« Reply #266 on: April 30, 2009, 01:26:37 PM »
Just a small update on two of the three current projects. Both deserve the caption,"it has begun"
I have begun to camo the inside of the snow mando's cape, and I have begun painting the graphics on the 2nd incinerator trooper. I already painted all of the white parts of his body in flat white which should make things go a little faster. I will still need to do touchups in white but they will go easier with the undercoat there.

LIGHUEN55 , I see that you have been in here, what do you think about all of this crazy stuff?
« Last Edit: April 30, 2009, 04:05:58 PM by Clonehead »

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Re: Clonehead's Custom Figures
« Reply #267 on: May 01, 2009, 06:20:31 AM »
Your eyes will be bugging out by the time that camo job is done! Looks great though. The incinerator trooper is shaping up fine too.
Not much of an update, thus far, today. I slept in till a blissfull 6:00. "that's the latest in two weeks"
Today is the wifey's day off so it might be a honey do day for me.

I put aside the cape and worked some more on incinerator trooper #2. I still need to throw some detail black accents on him and then it will be time for a complete touchup in white.

That second fig, I bought loose from Chad. Thanks again, Darth c!

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Re: Clonehead's Custom Figures
« Reply #268 on: May 02, 2009, 04:33:42 AM »
Well, as suspected, yesterday was a honey-do day so I didn't get alot done till the wifey went to bed, last night.
I did finish the camo on the mando's cape and do not like how it turned out, at all.
  Shawn, you were right about it making my eyes bug out as it is way too busy looking for me. My plan is to cover it back up with white and start over making it more like the original snow mando's cape, as far as color and pattern.
You live and you learn, eh?

I did some dio work on the desert ops RCs dio, also. You can follow my progress, here , in my dio thread.
  There isnt much left to do on that RC figure. I need to throw some paint on his wrist guns, find a gun for him, and I was tossing around the idea of throwing some camo onto his backpack, just to make it look a bit different from his matching armor color.

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Re: Clonehead's Custom Figures
« Reply #269 on: May 03, 2009, 07:13:01 AM »
Here are some shots of the backpack paint app mod that we had kind of discussed.
  What say you to this, Shawn?

This just goes to show that when you guys chime in on this thread, you can actually have an influance over what I'm doing here. So chime on in and see what happens.