Here are some shots of that camo Cody that John had mentioned. The first is him with the camo clone commander that I had posted about some time ago.
This Cody got a camo papermache waistcape and full cape, a removable cap and night vision combo that was donated from an elite forces fig, and a gun from the same fig, I believe. I also made and mounted a holster for a medium blaster on the back of his waistcape. I also added a strap to his long rifle made from a rubber band. This one was done prior to when I started mixing helmets.
Funny thing, I was mocked when after I posted pics of the airborne helmeted snowclone on ST, someone mentioned that it was just a repaint and didnt show any real talent. Undaunted, I posted pics of this Cody there, next and the mocker was silenced.
As I had mentioned before, about the time I had finished this Cody, I was starting to really get into my custom groove and things were starting to look increasingly pretty to my eyes. I think that this might have been the first fig that I had scratchbuilt a holster for.