TY, buddy! I knew that you would like it. It's kind of nice getting back to my other job for a change, as you said, Tamer.
Now lets get started on that extra helmet........
Using a casting of a hollow comic pack tie fighter pilot's helmet, the plan is to add accessories to make it look like an ATAT driver's helmet in shape but paint it up to work for the camo driver's body.
The casting that I chose had a couple of airbubble holes in it including one in a sensitave area on one front tip of his crest that I needed to address. As a cheat, I drilled a couple of wire lengths into these holes to fill them or, in the case of the front crest hole to make it easier to fill with paint. This one terminated where that front corner would normally be, that way, the paint build up in that negative area would be easier. These wire bits were trimmed to terminate flush with where the resin should have.
Unsurprisingly, the helmet didn't quite fit over the figure's head so some carving with the x-acto and wood chisel was required. There, the helmet fits the head how I like and it's time for the first coat of paint. See how that front corner filled in?
Now Tamer, If you are going to request little imperial symbols on his forehead, I might just pull some of my hair out.
That's not to say that I won't try it, I just don't know how good it will look.
I see that we have gained a couple of new members in that last few days. Don't be afraid to post here, guys.We would love to hear from you and I promise that we won't bite. I'd be happy to answer any questions that you have about anything that I'm doing here.