Well I just sent in our latest and lookee what was almost immediately sent back!
1. Dear Hasbro, Will the new two seater AT-ST be released with two drivers or can we assume you will release a ROTJ Legacy or Legends Figure Wave with an AT-ST driver so we can man up that awesome looking atst?
While the AT-ST comes with one driver fo the release, we are looking at releasing a carded AT-ST driver within the next couple of years.
2. Dear Hasbro, The new Target Two packs with the fold down droids look sweet and one immediately thinks of a droid gunship and an MTT. Is there any hope of getting either one?
We're glad you like the changes! We added the articulation to the Battle Droid not so much to be compatible with any future vehicles, but because we feel the Battle Droids needed this kind of upgrade and it does allow for those who want to produce custom displays showcasing the awesomness of these droids, to do so. While we'd love to see it, the MTT is something that we just don't see getting to due to the sheer size and the fact it's a Separatist vehicle, which is much riskier at those price points. If it is featured priomonently in the Clone Wars animation, we would consider it. The Gunship is something that is much more likely because it could be done in a more approachable size.
3. Dear Hasbro, We have all noticed the New Legacy Nikto with the great looking gun. This gun seems to have a clasp that might be made to grip onto a handrail. Could we expect to possibly see an updated Sail barge or Desert Skiff for the future?
We did design that just in case we had a future vehicle for it to clasp on to, but we do not have plans to pursue either vehicle you mention. The Sail Barge remains perhaps our top "wish list" vehicle, but unless this bad boy gets some serious time in Clone Wars or a future TV show, we would not pursue it. It's just too big, expensive, and relatively obscure to be a success.
Looks like we need to see what ships the Clone Wars episodes are showing as that is what they are gonna produce!