Safewing, I will try to answer your questions. This thread is open for all to read, but if you want to post in it you have to be a member. As for how this works members put up their questions in this thread and then I go through them and pick out the ones I think are worded the best and then submit those to our Hasbro contact. I usually try to break it down to one question for TCW and one for Vintage.
We have also, if you take a look at all of our previous q and a sessions, figured out that some questions, if worded incorrectly or fairly negative in nature, just won't recieve an answer. I will be honest, for the most part it can get fairly frustrating when great questions are asked and we get answers back that our well maybe or no we are not going to do it or answers that are no answers at all. Still, every once in awhile they do send us some nuggets so we take what we get as to be honest I was suprised they started this back up after the last round ended.
Safewing if you have anymore questions feel free to pm me yourself and we can keep this thread open for the questions. And speaking of that folks, I have to have to new round in by the 19th so get em on in here.