are you guys SURE they didn't remake this figure's outfit? I could have sworn they did.... oh wait... now I remember:
in ESB, her "escape from Cloud City" outfit IS the Hoth outfit minus the vest and plus some stylish, more feminine boots.
when I said they've never
remade her I mean neither the Hoth OR Bespin (escape) figures have been remade yet with new molds in modern, articulated standards. But the figure I reviewed is more recent even at a decade old now
the tobi dala and leia comic pack is where I remember it:
but alas, it is no better... actually I think it is worse than that '00 one!
that's because it's just a repaint of the Hoth Leia figure released in 1998 and for THAT time it was okay but to repaint that way-too-tall and unarticulated mess just two years ago was uncalled for, unacceptable.