Author Topic: How did you start collecting?  (Read 11161 times)

Offline zedhatch

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Re: How did you start collecting?
« Reply #30 on: February 17, 2010, 10:57:29 PM »
I am one of those guys who still call it Star Wars too.

I am the only person I know who has seen all the SW films within a week of being released including the special editions. 

I really started collecting with fisher price adventure people (very few survived my youth) but when SW hit I was hooked.  I didn't get my first SW figure until the next year (1978) but the fact that the adventure people and the SW figures were similar sized made me hooked from that point until now. 

I have collected almost every 1:18th scale figure line including Iniana Jones, Star Wars (Of course), GI Joe, Lone ranger, Flash Gordon, Microman, ect, ect.  I don't think there is a 3 & 3/4 inch line I don't have at least one of (Note: I never said they were in great shape though). 

My primary focus have been Star Wars, GI Joe, Indy, and most recently Marvel Universe.  Unlike many I know I never had that "oh I am too old now" moments instead I just kept going, something kept bringing me back even when girls ect called me away. 

Lastly there is my emotional outlet called Toxies 1:18th Universe which is where I take my frustrations and create the most insane stuff I can come up with to make life more tolerable. 

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Offline Goldleaderone

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Re: How did you start collecting?
« Reply #31 on: February 21, 2010, 07:08:04 PM »
Yeah, I love Action Fleet too. I wish they would start remaking them. As for your Dad saying you're not a kid anymore? Don't let him bring you down man. Just tell him this, "Every guy likes toy soldiers." Some of these ships in the Clone Wars would Rock as Action Fleet toys. I remember in the 80's when the 1st action fleet toys were out. I don't think that's what they were called but my friend had 2 of the x-wings and the Millenium Falcon and I always thought they were the coolest cuz you could take out the little figures out of the cockpit.
I wish I had the Action Fleet E-Wing, Tie Defender, and the Imperial Landing Shuttle. Those are the ones I missed out on.

So I ended up telling my Dad tonight that I collect. His reaction? He didn't get mad or anything! He's like "I don't mind that you collect, I just don't want you to be scared of doing something you like in your house."  I've been stressing over this, and for what? Nothing! Well, I feel better about this now.   ;D
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Re: How did you start collecting?
« Reply #32 on: February 22, 2010, 07:52:34 AM »
I hate it when I hear of someone that lives in fear of a relative finding out they collect. We ought to have people in our lives we don't have to worry about that with. Glad it worked out though and I can associate.

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Re: How did you start collecting?
« Reply #33 on: February 22, 2010, 02:21:23 PM »
Thanks Tamer. I didn't think he would "disown" me or anything, I mean he is my Dad. He's just a bit arrogant at times, and he's also got a short fuse. A few years ago is when he said it was "childish". We went out to eat together last night, and that's when I told him. I asked if he was in a good mood first, he says "Why, what happened now?" lol. After I told him I collect, and that people all over the world do it, it really didn't bother him. He says to me (in a nice tone of voice) "I think its a little childish, I'd rather you collect baseball cards or something.  I just don't want you to be afraid of doing something you enjoy in the house."  Honestly, I was nervous to tell him about it, not the reaction I was expecting. It's all good though, he's cool with it. He actually helped me out too with a custom I've been working on when I got home.

Tamer, if you don't mind me asking, you were in a similar situation as well?
« Last Edit: February 22, 2010, 02:23:29 PM by Goldleaderone »
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Re: How did you start collecting?
« Reply #34 on: February 23, 2010, 09:57:07 AM »
No, I have always been pretty open with everyone about collecting. My relatives all know where my obsession comes from and my wife has never batted an eyelash. I am really pretty luck I guess. I have had a few friends though who were a bit embarassed about collecting and shared similar relative stories. The way I see it, in my house I do what I want and if anyone, including my relatives has an issue with it, they know where the door is. 

Offline Mike Cypress

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Re: How did you start collecting?
« Reply #35 on: February 23, 2010, 12:08:17 PM »
My last girlfriend (who I just lost cuz of the economy) I fell in love with immediately. When I 1st brought her to my apartment, I told her,"Now I have something to show you that may make you think I am a Dork. But I am the coolest dork you will ever meet." I didn't know what her reaction would be, but as soon as she seen my collection of over 6000 figures she was amazed and just as enthused about the stuff as I am. She end up helping me scout for toys. She would call me and she would be in the toy aisle somewhere and she would ask me, "do you have so-so figure?" I love her and miss her. I turned her into a toy maniac.

Offline FlakBait

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Re: How did you start collecting?
« Reply #36 on: February 23, 2010, 02:21:17 PM »
6000. Good lord thats a lot of figures

Offline Mike Cypress

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Re: How did you start collecting?
« Reply #37 on: February 23, 2010, 03:53:38 PM »
Yeah, not just Star Wars. I collect  Transformers, GI-Joes, He-Man, Super-Heroes, Lord of the Rings, about any movie that I like that they make figures for like Terminator, Robocop. A little bit of everything.

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Re: How did you start collecting?
« Reply #38 on: February 23, 2010, 04:12:48 PM »
Same here. I have transformers, G I joe, gundams, action fleet, Mcfarlane and of course star wars but as much as you have. I'll half to check out your collection on the forum

Offline Mike Cypress

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Re: How did you start collecting?
« Reply #39 on: February 23, 2010, 06:54:29 PM »
Star Wars:

Just some of my other toys, but not all of them.

Here's a link to my Myspace Star Wars pictures. I also have another album in there of just some of my toys before I packed them up, cuz I just moved. These are from last year so I have a lot more since then. Hope you like them.
I will tell you a little bit about what's in the pictures. I am building new shelves. So each picture is one level of the shelf. Each level is 4' wide. Behind all my figures, I took the packages and various other pictures and made collages. Yes, I actually cut up the packages. Why? You might ask? Because I had 10 totes full of nothing but packages and it took up too much room.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2010, 07:05:27 PM by Mike Cypress »

Offline FlakBait

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Re: How did you start collecting?
« Reply #40 on: February 23, 2010, 08:25:33 PM »
Nice collection man. I like animal on the drum set. I was looking for that but never could find it in my neck of the woods. hopefully I'll have my stuff up in march and get my collection pics in march. Thanks for sharing

Offline Mike Cypress

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Re: How did you start collecting?
« Reply #41 on: February 23, 2010, 09:08:43 PM »
Thanks man. Pictures don't do it justice. Those shelfs in the 2nd link with the superheros are 6' long. Hopefully I will be unpacking soon and taking new pictures of all my stuff. This is only half of it cuz for some reason I can't find the other disc with my pictures on it.

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Re: How did you start collecting?
« Reply #42 on: February 24, 2010, 12:56:29 AM »
Well It Started when I was 4 years old and My Dad And I sat down to watch a movie, The Empire Strikes Back.  I loved Yoda and the At-At's, Later that year We watched A new Hope, And I was C-3po for Halloween ( you know the Mask and the jump suit ). After that It was just Star Wars toys And He-man. One year My Sister give me this thing! for xmas, Turned out to be a Cobra Fang from GI-Joe. I never really played with it as it wasn't star wars. We Moved ( Dad being in the Navy) to Cuttler Navy Base in Maine, I was 7, I think? Any way, About that time Jedi came out, I had to wait for video but I loved the movie, That Year I was Luke Skywalker Jedi Knight for Halloween ( home made ). I had all kinds of star wars figures, then it all faded, no more toys. So I turned to Joes, Voltron, Thunder Cats, BraveStar, and Transformers. We moved alot so Most of my toys got lost in the move :'(, Then in 1994 or 95, Holy Cow Batman!  New star Wars Figures and play sets :o ;D. So that's how it really started for me, I had to reclaim all the toys that I'v lost of the many Years (33). That And I'm Just A geek, A Star Wars Geek But still a Geek.

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Re: How did you start collecting?
« Reply #43 on: February 28, 2010, 01:19:39 PM »
For me was when ROTS, after star wars was over i was sad to here it. But on 2007 when it was my birthday my cousin (that is a star wars fan) gave me his X wing and i told him how much i love star wars, so he suggested i should start collecting. he showed how to collect figures and what lines i should get. And after that day on i Became Obsessed w/t collecting. so when there is always a celebration of star wars my cousin and i would go to it. So Yeah that is how i started collecting ;D

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Re: How did you start collecting?
« Reply #44 on: May 06, 2010, 07:14:12 AM »
I started collecting in...2005.  I was always a fan of SW and I remember watching ep. 4-6 when I was around.....4 years old?  in 2001.  What really kicked off my collecting was seeing my friend's HUGE colection one time when I was over at his house.  So I thought maybe I could get a collection like that.  So I remember walking in to the Target near my house and I saw Mace Windu.  The one that came with the sith lightning and the "force action lightsaber attack"  where you push his leg in and he slashes with his lightsaber.  That was really what started my collection, though now I mostly collect clones.  Though after that I stopped collecting for a while and I was interested in other things such as yu-gi-oh and legos, and it ws just last year that I really began collectiing again after seeing one of sithlord229's videos on yutube and that kind of re-inspired me.  so the legos on display came down and up went the figures!
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