Happy Star wars Day shipmates! Sorry to leave you all hanging about, I`v been very busy as of late.
To: Mando Assasin; Thanks! I was not planning on painting her up, But now Iam. Thanks again
To: Darth Optimus; I used Anita's all purpose glow craft paint ( for the green), But most all neon paints should work as well, Just remember to get yourself a black/Blue light ( blacklights work best).
To: JediMerc; I used the glow paint ( green) and Americana neon sizzling pink ( red) and just dry brushed it on.
To: Krztfr; The saddle is from the reissued Dewback, I just cut off the parts that would not fit right, then I taped it up to fit the Dino's body.
I hope this helps, and here are some new photos. I hope you all had a great May 4Th.