hello again wraithnine here with another review ...
this time its the Clone Wars figure TX-20 commander droid A.K.A. Tactical Droid

this is the clone wars wave that introduces the redemption forms for Nahdar Vebb mail away promotion from Hasbro

I picked this up at StarActionFigures for £7.95

TX-20 appeared in the Clone Wars episode "Innocents of Ryloth" and was the tactical droid for the Techno Union Governor Wat Tambor
he comes with a droid blaster ,missile firing droid rocket launcher and a hologram of Tambor (similiar to that packaged with Count Dooku & Assaj Ventress)

Articulation wise it's a bit of a mixed bag he has ball-jointed head,shoulders,hips and ankles ,with swivel wrists and waist and hinged elbows .the range of movement on the hips and shoulders is about the same as that found on the standard battle droid and he has no knee articulation. .

Generally the paint apps are crisp and accurate with the odd smudge here and there and there does seem to be some very low level weathering on this figure ... so low in fact i nearly missed it!

overall i'd have to say this is one of my favorite seperatist droids .
I'd give this figure an 8/10 sure its got some minor flaws but overall hasbro has really captured this character in figure form.