Well, yesterday was a packed busy day. Dropped the kids off at my parents for the night, pick them up later this morning. So Barb and I had a busy day yesterday by ourselves, you need that every once in awhile. Started off going to the Star Wars exhibit in St Paul. That was alot of fun, really wasn't what I thought it was going to be, but did get to see alot of props, costumes and models for the movies. Left there and hit a bunch of targets looking for closeout toys, found an rebel pilot evol set, so I picked that up. Went out to lunch and were palnning on seeing Mama Mia, great chick flick, but our 2 free tickets we had weren't valid on Saturdays. Cancelled that, went home worked on my dio and did some cleaning. At around 4pm went to our favorite restuarant and dinner and then headed over to another movie theater to is Batman in imax, well got there to buy our 7pm tickets ans she said they sold out about an our ago, so we didn't want to wait for the 11pm show, so we just went to walmart and brought groceries for home and camping next weekend. Worked on the dio and finsihed it last night, pics are posted in the thread. Watched a disney trip planning dvd, we are hoping to go sometime early next spring and finally went to bed around midnight.