R1 Stormies are nice, but not my cup of tea. I'm an OT Imperial collector
Not yet Serg. Not yet. With folks like me you can never say eh? LOL, I know your focus is very specific, but you gotta love the OT roots of the new movies and lets just say in an age where Hasbro seems to be lacking in the quality control department it gets me pretty stoked to see them produce something of this magnitude. So to speak. From time to time.
I have to stick to my focus for a few important reasons: limited display space and limited budget, high international shipping costs, VAT 20% & customs taxes. No matter how much I like collectible X, if it doesn't fit my focus I'll have to pass. If I lived in US for example, my collection could have been double in size, considering no more international shipping, VAT and customs. So OT Imperials for me only, with minor exceptions. R1 is not OT in my books, and even if I love the movie will not collect from it.
The new Hasbro Rogue One Stormtrooper helmet is very cool, kids today cannot understand how lucky they are for getting a high quality helmet for such a low price. The seams of the back battery compartment I think can be fixed. The R1 and OT Stormtrooper helmets are quite different, but I can understand why they didn't use the old wonky helmets in a new movie.
The old crappy, wonky, asymmetrical and rough OT Stormtrooper armors and helmets are not good for today's standards of film-making. People going into the cinema don't want to see gaffer tape or badly built armor on a hi-def 3D movie. I love the crappy OT Stormie armor, it is the one and only for me, I have no interest in getting an idealized one, but I totally get the idea of new improved stuff for the present cinematic times.