Yes, we're allowed to post pics of our entries! I took some new shots for you to enjoy

First, a little background story as to why I made what I made for the contest:
What I really like about the novels, is how Karen explores the human in the clone. They're not just copies of Jango, bred for the sole purpose of fighting and dying for the Republic. They're just as human as any other, perhaps even more so. Karen envisions the hardship of the training regime on Kamino really well and how that effected the beloved characters.
The capture of Ko Sai in
True Colors (pages 285 and 286) was a highlight for me and I immediately picked that event to make a diorama of.
Key characters are Kal Skirata, Mereel and Ko Sai of course. She was hiding in some underwater lab, guarded by Mandalorian bodyguards. My diorama shows Kal and Mereel in her office, Mereel revealing himself to a shocked Ko Sai.
Pictures of Kal Skirata and what his armour looks like are abound, however less so of his boys. I asked around a bit and some guys felt green was a pretty good choice of colour for Mereel's armour. Ko Sai was easy to make of a Lama Su (or Taun We?) figure. I even got her to sit her aiwha shebs down
Anyway, enough talk, here are the pics:

Clearer pictures of Kal and Mereel can be found in my Customs Thread.