Picked this one up at Wallyworld for a Whopping $14.67?
One of the two Walmart Exclusive comic packs that I know of for 2010, this one, I have been looking forward to.
The price hike was a shock that I knew was coming but remember when you could pick up two new figs in a comic pack for less than the price of two single packed figs?
I have not read the comic yet but did flip through and noticed that the artwork looked pretty good.
The storm Commando fig appears to be the same figure that was packaged with the Hoth Speederbike Patrol BP, Last year but with black deco. This figure wears the alternate arms of that figure with the atat driver looking shoulderpads. The mirrored effect on the visor is appealing and he comes with two Biker Scout pistols but only the one ankle holster. The trademark stamp on his butt reads 2005. He is quite super arty and I would have preferred either the new helmet sculpt from the evo pack or the flip-visor head from the collector tin.
General Weir Appears to be the same figure as was packaged in the Assault on the Shield Generator BP but with a different head. The lower torso has the same date stamp on it. His helmet does appear slightly larger than the disquised rebel from that pack but I could be mistaken. He is just as super arty as the other figure and also comes with two biker scout pistols and wears a double-slung bandolier that is removable.
You can't beat a storm commando or a biker scout with a removable helmet so, of course, I had to pick this one up for my stock trooper collection. I would have gone for a less glossy look to the black deco but beggars can't be choosers.