Capt. Lux, I would like to commend you, as your work gets better each post. This is a great addition to the 224th. Your outdoor pics are very nice with the troops creeping thru the clover. Now I would like to offer a bit of advice. First, thin your paint just a bit more and apply it in thinner layers. It will stop the small amount of clumping you are getting in a few areas. Also you need a bit more light for the indoor pics, try a sunny window if you daont have a desk lamp to shed some light on them. Last thing is hold the camera very still or better yet get a mini tripod for the camera. I think some of the focus issues are due to the camera moving when you press the button to take ths pic. Just trying to help as I see you coming up the ranks fast with your latest work. Can't wait to see more from you...