Author Topic: MOAWP S1/E6: "Sinister Agents of the Empire" part 1  (Read 1638 times)

Offline Darth Depressis

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MOAWP S1/E6: "Sinister Agents of the Empire" part 1
« on: April 27, 2010, 10:12:56 PM »

Drive-In Holoplex-Gall-13 years before the battle of Yavin IV

A holodrama projected against a Cliffside comes to a glorious end; as the credits begin to roll the gathered land speeders veer off in separate directions.

A rusty speeder does a barrel roll against the holodrama itself and makes for the imperial enclave.

Dilbun Vont: wut we gonna eat?

Cittro: not really into that fodder we got in the freezer either?

Dilbun Vont: I wuz till I found out those kriffin cliff wampas where engineered.

Cittro: considering how late it is; were gonna hafta be another one of the billions served by ol’ “Biscuit Baron“.

Dilbun Vont: hopefully dat borkin manager gots some sliders on the grill.

Biscuit Baron Speed-Thru-Gall-13 years before the battle of Yavin IV

Dilbun Vont: (narration) they call em sliders cause’a how fast they work their magic on your digestive tract.

The once garish land speeder sits in a crowded three Decker speed-thru line wrapped around the grease pit. Cittro attempts to sit closer to Vont, but the older man edges the younger woman away.

Dilbun Vont: told ya it ain’t happenin partna.

Cittro: then why em I still with you? We act like were together, and you never let me get close….

Dilbun Vont: kid, you could find yourself a kriffin moff or some other high muckety muck imperial and have a little marriage.

Cittro: ain’t bein a kid for sometime now vont! And why can’t we have that?

Dilbun Vont: I know dis’ll only end in….

The speed-thru line is broken up by the sudden arrival of a Tie Berserker which catches Vont’s speeder in a tractor beam. And speeds towards the enclave with it in toe. 

Upon landing the Tie Berserker disperses a squad of storm troopers whom pull vont from the speeder violently.

He is thrashed to the ground as the troopers assume a position around him.  Armand Isard, Sate Pestage and Zsinj stride towards the encircled vont.

Stormtrooper: this the scum?

Armand Isard: well done sergeant. Stand him up, he has a bit of explaining to do before we proceed.

Dilbun Vont: betta be a kriffin world exploding izard, this ain’t gonna be your…

Armand Isard: silent! The charges are severe to say the least.

Dilbun Vont: augie’s gonna have your kriffin heads….

Sate Pestage:  seditiousness only arouses our emperors wrath!

Armand Isard: now where is that turncoat padawan you’ve sheltered for these past seven years? I hear she is intended for death.

Stormtrooper: sir! She’s gone.

Armand Isard: pay it no mind; a mere girl is of no concern to us. Bring him.

Vont is herded into the Tie Berserker, Cittro watches from a ridge as the vessel reaches orbit.

Landing Field-Niollipa-13 years before the battle of Yavin IV

An imperial landing craft sets down across from a small gathering of enforcers of the Neimoidian gangster Big Galgu; whom is surrounded by a motley crew of beetle droid mounted repurposed battle droids. Commander Zsinj leads a platoon of stormtroopers whom kick the captive Dilbun Vont down the ramp into the mud.

Zsinj: thanks to your continued assistance our emperor has agreed to your compensation.

Big Galgu: well thanks to the emperor following my advice we caught ol kriff hed here with his hand in the imperial cookie jar.

Dilbun Vont: dats what this is about! Trust me, I ain’t the only imp on the take or takin a bigger slice for demselves.

Zsinj: you’ve offended the emperor for the last time vont! Count yourself fortunate enough that galgu included your personal demise as a condition in their dealings.

Big Galgu: I believe your stay in my system is over commander zsinj?

Zsinj: my how the recently elevated love to throw their weight around. Troops, remount.

Big Galgu: and don’t let me catch any picket ships tooling round the sector or the deal is off get me?

Dilbun Vont: whut bout the kid, zsinj?

Zsinj: don’t worry yourself Vont, way I hear it not even the real Jedi are much opposition these days. I’d be more concerned with the slavers getting a hold of her.

The craft lifts off temporally causing an updraft, the light around vont is obscured by the form of Big Galgu whom picks the human man up by the neck.

Big Galgu: I always expected this moment would include a pile of fodder plummeting towards my boots, guess you grew a pair after all these years eh?

Dilbun Vont: so guess the fromm gangs problems stem from you as well?

Big Galgu: I’m flattered, naw lil tig carbon flushed their holdings and jabba ain’t a kriffin credit union. End o’ story.

Dilbun Vont: so why ain’t I gargling my own teeth galgu! Wut you playin at here?

The massive Neimoidian breaks vonts neck and drops him to the ground.  Within a second his neck heals.

Big Galgu: something on this rock causes humans to regenerate.

Dilbun Vont: wuts the drawback aside from the pain!

Big Galgu: its gonna collide with its star after a couple rotations. No regeneration from dat. Oh and the imperials ain’t got a clue as to why I arranged for them to drop you here, my sector and all you know.

Dilbun Vont: (narration) still no fodder on his boots.

Regional Naval Supply Area-Gall-13 years before the battle of Yavin IV

A string of blaster bolts fly at random past the turncoat padawan Cittro as she makes her way towards the flight deck of what was once Vont’s Imperial Garrison.

Stormtrooper sergeant: (firing blaster) thought this was supposed to be a Jedi!

Stormtrooper private: (firing blaster) maybe its another drill. Huuh

The agile young woman ignites her ashen bladed light saber and slashes the brace to a wall of crates loaded with highly explosive Baradium canisters.

Having cleared the blast doors cittro leaps from the two story platform paying little attention to the massive explosion. 

She lands across from the prototype of Cygnus Spaceworks: Alpha-class Xg-1 Star Wing. Long rumored to be the first in a line of hyper drive equipped fighters.

The fighter lifts into the skies of Gall and blasts towards space as fast as it can. As the vessel reaches space, a cloven yellow hand grips Cittros shoulder lightly.

The turncoat padawan lets out a bloodcurdling scream as the fighter blasts into light speed.

Thorn Forest-Niollipa-13 years before the battle of Yavin IV

Big Galgu stands at the edge of a skiff watching as Dilbun is chased by a overgrown Snare Beast through a densely packed forest of sentient thorn trees.

Vont is continually stung by the snare beast and slashed at by the thorn trees. Only to regenerate for the wounds to happen again.

Dilbun Vont: I’m gunna run outta blood galgu!

Big Galgu: better run faster then vont, never seen anybody actually regrow whole limbs on this rock, kriffin snare beasts gittin hungry.

Vont is chased to the edge of a cliff overlooking a series of bioluminescent waterfalls. The snare beast closes in for the kill only to be impaled by a thorn tree, which proceeds to devour the creature.

Big Galgu: never a creature more wild than you vont. Get up here, gotta feed your keester, otherwise there be no more fun eh?

The bulky Neimoidian hefts Vont up onto the skiff with one pull, he lands adjacent to Galgu whom glowers down at his captive. He launches a vat of chum at Vont.

Big Galgu: dats the trouble with being held captive by a fellow ex-con, I’s know whut we got fed on desolation alley as well. And that there ain’t even as good as what they feed the scum in isolation.

Dilbun Vont: sure its betta then wut they heap into a communal hive, ya kriffin grub.

Big Galgu: (punching vont in the face) neva seen a spineless purse worlder do dat eh?

Dilbun Vont: you tell me, I neva had to guard those treasure nests with my life.

Big Galgu: well afta naboo we both had a few profitless years now didn’t we?

Dilbun Vont: oh old times, last I herd ol’ augies still trying to recover all the missin loot from the purse worlds…..

Big Galgu: that kriffin bastage ain’t ever gonna get ahold of dose creds believe me. And he’ll neva get his stormies all the way inta the corporate sector either.

Dilbun Vont: historically speakin sith never touch it, its da the underworlds that I hear bein dryin up a bit lately. Can’t even siphon imperial credits without ending up like dis.

Big Galgu: dis ain’t bout no kriffin credits Vont, you’re here because of a deal I made with the emperor. Best part is, I didn’t even give him a head start to whose behind that fiasco seven years ago.

Dilbun Vont: (choking down intestines) oh the hush hush hit attempt on triple zero or the hush hush planetary bombardment? Or the fall of the republic proper? Lotsa poodoo hit the fan seven years ago pal.

Big Galgu: oh yeah, been great out on the outer rim. Profits are abound to anyone able to churn the urns right if ya get me.

Dilbun Vont: bein kinda stuck in a kriffin post with my…with a kriffin turncoat padawan learner. Most ill gotten gains I’ve been able to sniff out where what got me sittin across from your kriffin arse.

Big Galgu: oh it was bout something very hush hush.

Dilbun Vont: (narration) nevea pay a grub what he asks, let him lower his price after you threaten to buy elsewhere, dhey always want repeat business to pay for that first deal.  Or so augie once said.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2010, 10:32:18 PM by Darth Depressis »

Offline hangarbay94

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Re: MOAWP S1/E6: "Sinister Agents of the Empire" part 1
« Reply #1 on: April 27, 2010, 11:54:10 PM »
Ohhh..a new photonovel! I'm just off to work but I'm relally looking forward to getting home and reading this!|

Offline hangarbay94

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Re: MOAWP S1/E6: "Sinister Agents of the Empire" part 1
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2010, 02:43:23 PM »
Darth Depressis,

Another great novel. I especially love the way you left it with the Padawan, it's made me want to read more to see what happens, very exciting.

As I said before, I love the way you change your writing style between Vont and the Imperials, I also love your descriptive narrations, you are a great writer.

Your images often feature exciting and unique ships and this chapter was no exception, and the image with the shuttle lifting off from the green planet was really superb.

A wonderful offering Lord Depressis! I will reaqd part 2 tomorrow!