Author Topic: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls - The Final Chapter  (Read 13452 times)

Offline Irish Ninja 97

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #45 on: July 07, 2010, 10:14:35 AM »
Good read Pat!
As do I. It is our lot in life, Master. Shall we find something to kill to cheer us up?

Offline wraithnine

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #46 on: July 07, 2010, 12:42:50 PM »
man you definatley have "the gift"
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #47 on: July 07, 2010, 02:32:42 PM »
This was another great addition. I can't wait to see Vos and Kenobi meet.

Offline dana.raye.smith

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #48 on: July 07, 2010, 04:07:35 PM »
Another great installment, Phatty.
Another gripping addition, and I like the progression very much.
I do have a small quibble though... a "parsec" is a measure of time and space.... wookieepedia and source books from GL give slightly different info...
but it is roughly he equivalent of 114 trillion miles or 3.26 light years...
It still sounds great in the story as you have it.
Just wondering if we could find a more accurate measurement to keep the tale credible.
I am truly enjoying each installment as posted, and hope you continue expanding the tale.

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #49 on: July 07, 2010, 04:12:07 PM »
great pat

Offline Phatty

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #50 on: July 07, 2010, 08:31:51 PM »
Ya know DRS, you are absolutely correct, and that is something I'll have to go back and change.  I knew it was a unit of measurement, not time like Han used, but that's probably the ONE element I didn't actually research.  Seriously, thank you for pointing that out!  I'll be changing that soon.

Thanks for all the reviews!  I'm enjoying writing this, not only for my own creativity, but more for all of your reactions!

Offline hangarbay94

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #51 on: July 08, 2010, 04:53:07 AM »
Pat, You are a great story teller, this was another wonderful read. I noticed the Skipray's in there which was a really cool touch. I can't make any critical points, only praise for the way you are weaving this wonderful story. Serioulsy, it's really good....Proper Book good!!!

I must admit to not being able to follow everyone's work here as there is just too much to keep up with, but I am a devoted reader of your work, so please keep going!!!

Offline Phatty

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #52 on: July 23, 2010, 07:37:18 PM »
     Old Ben held his head high as he strode through the sands of Tatooine.  His quarry had alerted all of his kin to his pursuer, and the Sandpeople were coming out of every dune, every rock outcropping to try and slow the Jedi Master's push.  While Obi-Wan had seen more than his fair share of death during the Clone Wars, it was evident that in order to stop his old friend and fellow Master, he would have to slay more, as there was no reasoning with the almost mindless Tusken Raiders.  It appeared as though Hett was heading towards Mos Espa, most likely looking for transport away from Tatooine.  Buy why would Hett run away, when it was clear his mission was to eliminate Kenobi and take on young Skywalker for his own teachings?  Perhaps A'Sharad had come to the conclusion that he needed more than what he could muster to defeat Kenobi.  Perhaps he was running to the Empire, to alert Darth Vader to his Master's treachery and the existence of his son.  Obi-Wan could not allow that.  Ben pushed harder through the sea of anger, in search of his foe.
     From over another dune, another swarm of Tuskens came howling and bellowing in their strange, indecipherable language.  Their gaderfi sticks in hand, they were definitely out for aggression.  Obi-Wan dropped back into a defensive stance, bringing his lightsaber high.  He counted thirteen of the brown-garbed creatures, moving in with no semblance of order.  There was no time to play with the children when the Father was getting away.  Utilizing what was becoming his favorite trick, Obi-Wan used the Force to throw up a sandstorm, enveloping the Sandpeople in a glass shower.  In a quick and lethal arc, Kenobi cut down all thirteen of them, leaving their bodies to return to the sands in which they came.

Hett ran harder and faster towards the shipyards at Mos Espa.  More of his brethren had fallen to Kenobi's blade, and soon he would be upon Hett himself.  Truly, A'Sharad was outmatched by his older counterpart.  He would have to seek out Darth Vader, once Anakin Skywalker.  Vader would relish the opportunity to find Kenobi and exact his revenge.  Then, in the ensuing battle and the confusion that goes along with it, A'Sharad would steal the young Skywalker and raise him, teach him the ways of the Force, and help bring about the continuous battles between the Jedi and Sith.  All he had to do was reach a transport, or even an Imperial Garrison.  It would be close, to be sure.  For as fast and hard as Hett was running, Obi-Wan was gaining ground, even with his Tusken family trying to slow him down.  A'Sharad regretted the sacrifice of his fellow Tusken Raiders, but it would be necessary.  As Hett rose to the top of another dune, the sprawling city of Mos Espa sat below him, spread out across the desert landscape.  Truly a pit of dredge and misery, at least he would find a transport of some kind off this rock.
     As Hett stood on top of the sand dune, momentarily lost in his thoughts, a new thought crept into his mind.  "You will not evade me, Hett"  As the words sounded off in his mind, an incredible Force push threw A'Sharad off of his feet, tumbling haphazardly down the dune.  Obi-Wan was faster than even Hett could imagine, and he was here.  As Hett slowed his decent and controlled his landing, he sprung up, lightsaber ignited, awaiting the assualt.  The assualt didn't come, at least not yet.  Then, the dune began to rise, higher into the sky.  Kenobi was trying to topple the entire dune on top of Hett!  Hett tried to take a step back, but couldn't.  He looked down, only to find himself sinking into the sand, fast.  This was a new tactic, one that A'Sharad hadn't thought of, and quite an effective one.  He looked up again, only to see Kenobi on top of the dune, staring down at him, his arm raised out in front of him as he used the Force to try and swallow Hett with the sands of Tatooine itself.  The Tusken Jedi Master knew if he didn't free himself soon, it was all over.  He struggled, but was making no headway.   He concentrated with the Force, using his anger and fear to bolster his might, trying to push against Kenobi's Force powers, and continued to struggle.  When he looked up, Kenobi was standing over him.  Hett couldn't help but be impressed with Obi-Wan's obvious might and strength in the Force.  A thought crossed A'Sharad's mind, fleeting but with a glimmer of hope.  Focusing all of his power in the Force, A'Sharad Hett gathered a Force Push and threw it at Master Kenobi, hoping to catch him off guard.  Unfortunately, it didn't, and Kenobi countered with a Force Push of his own.  The growing strain of the immense levels of power, crashing like waves upon a shore against each other, battled for ground in favor of one combatant or the other.
     "Your hatred and anger are not enough to win against the Light, old friend," chided Obi-Wan.  "It will take more than a little Force Push to drive me back."
     "Perhaps, Master, but it will as well take more than parlor tricks with sand to stop me!"  Hett continued to build his power, pushing harder and harder against Kenobi's push.  The powers were nearing a critical mass, as it was evident that neither were going to gain any ground.  And with that thought, Hett cut his Force push completely, allowing Obi-Wan's to push him clear of the sand trap and hurtled the Jedi back an entire kilometer.  The space was enough, and Hett tucked into a roll and let the Force carry him safely away from Kenobi and onto flat ground, mere meters from the walls of Mos Espa.  Hett tucked into a run and sprinted into the city, hoping to lose Kenobi in the shuffle.

     "Here we are, my young Kiffar friend, Mos Espa, on Tatooine.  Do you know where to begin looking for your friend," asked Thame Cerulian?

     "No, not yet.  I thought I'd let the Force guide me once I set foot, but I'm getting a low warning in the back of my mind.  The Force is trying to warn me of something, though I'm not sure what yet," said a pensive Quinlan Vos.

     "Listen carefully, and the Force will speak to you loud and clear.  In any case, we've been given clearance to land at docking bay eighty-eight, and will be planet side in less than five minutes."

     The Pontites sank from the sky en route to the hangarbay at docking bay eighty-eight, it's azure hull sparkling in the stark light of Tatooine's twin suns.  As the landing gear from the cruiser lowered, the repulsor jets kicked in to bring the stunning craft gently to the ground.  Vos was highly impressed with the Grey Jedi Master's ship, and found himself a tad bit envious of it.  He relished the opportunity to own such a craft, where he could pilot his family across the stars n peace.  Perhaps one day.

     "Let's exit the ship and get it secured.  I have some supplies to pick up in the mean time," stated the elderly Jedi.

     "Where are you headed now, Master," inquired Vos?

     "Oh, I'm not entirely sure, in fact.  There are a great many star systems I've yet to visit before my time in this galaxy expires."  The elder Jedi said that with a wry grin, quite obviously keeping an air of mystery to himself.  Whether it was due to his mistrust of the galaxy, or just to be enigmatic, Vos did not know.

     "Well, I guess I'll ask around for some information, if there is any to be garnished from this space port.  Can I give you some credits for fuel, for bringing me here," asked Vos?

     "Absolutely not, my young friend.  It was my pleasure to speak with you throughout our journey."

     "Very well.  Good day, Master Cerulian."  Quinlan Vos turned and began to walk away towards the markets of Mos Espa.  He wasn't sure which direction to begin heading in, and still the Force warned him of something undefined.  As Master Vos moved a few strides away from The Pontites, a sudden warning shock rang out in the Force.  The sound of a lightsaber igniting spun Vos around, only to be hurled aside with an immense wave of Force Energy.  As Vos was sent crashing into holding shelves, his last vision was of Master A'Sharad Hett, his lightsaber extended through the torso of Master Cerulian, the Tusken glaring at him in disgust.  The light quickly faded, replaced by darkness as Quinlan lost consciousness.

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #53 on: July 24, 2010, 02:18:43 AM »
you should send these to lucas  ! i command you!
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #54 on: July 24, 2010, 06:53:26 AM »
*PD falls over

Send this to GL!

Offline hangarbay94

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #55 on: July 25, 2010, 09:45:27 AM »
Again, I am amazed at how you are weaving such a rich story. Utterly superb!!!

I am really looking forward to reading more.


Offline Irish Ninja 97

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #56 on: July 29, 2010, 09:27:18 AM »

As do I. It is our lot in life, Master. Shall we find something to kill to cheer us up?

Offline Tamer

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #57 on: July 29, 2010, 11:38:33 AM »
very nice.

Offline Phatty

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #58 on: July 31, 2010, 09:45:40 PM »
     "Good to see you, old friend," remarked Obi-Wan.  "I see you're still enjoying the fast, action packed pace in life."  Obi-Wan could not help but chuckle at his Kiffar friend.  It seems that whenever they encountered one another, Obi-Wan or Quinlan were always getting into trouble, and more often that not it was both.  "Let me help you up old friend."

     "Was that A'Sharaad Hett who just slayed an old Grey Jedi and stole his ship, or are there more Tuskens running around Tatooine with lightsabers these days?" inquired Vos with a note of annoyance and surprise in his voice.  "As savage as his upbring was, I always found him to be calm and serene, very wise for being raised by those creatures."

     "Indeed it was, Master Vos.  It would seem that Master Hett blames me for Anakin's failings and his turn to the Dark Side, and wishes to halt my teachings from corrupting others.  We fought each other to a stalemate, until he happened upon this hangar and found a ready transport.  I fear he's gone to find Vader and let him in on my little secret."

     "Besides your being alive, I sense you have an even greater secret, which is keeping you here on this sand ball.  Something catch your fancy all the way out here?"

     "Ah, my feelings have betrayed me, it would seem.  However, I think it for the best that we don't pull at this thread and allow my thoughts to remain my own.  It would be best for us all, I think.  Tell me Vos, what brings you out here to my sand ball?  The pod racing no longer takes place out here, and the ale is terrible.  Heck, I wouldn't even bother with the sabbaac games.  I don't think there's an honorable person out here anymore," said Obi-Wan in his amused tone.

     "Actually, the Force has brought me here, with a little guidance from an old friend.   Seems you were in some trouble, and I thought you could use my help," said Quinlan dryly.  "Master Tholme warned me that the situation was dire."

     "Hmm, so you too have visits from the Force.  Qui Gon and I have spent many a day conversing and training during my time here.  I take it that it was the same for you and Master Tholme?"

     "Actually, not so much training and conversing, as running and hiding.  Someone has tipped the Empire off to the fact that I didn't die on Kashyyyk like they thought, and have been sending Death Squads after me in abundance, and now I have a Sith Assassin on my tail as well.  I shook her out past the Outer Rim in the Unknown Regions, but she's very strong, and I fear she's still tracking me somehow."

     "Keeping them all away from Khaleen and Korto, eh," stated Obi-Wan cautiously.  He knew of their existence, and the fact that Quinlan had married Khaleen after Order 66.  His meditations with the Force showed him a great many Jedi after that nightmarish time.  Maybe that's how A'Sharaad had found out about Luke.

     "So it would seem that my secret isn't so much a secret any more.  Tell me, how did you find this out?" asked Vos in an annoyed voice.  "And who else knows of this?"

     "As far as I know, only myself.  I've been spending a great deal of my time, meditating with the Force, reaching out to the stars to find my fellow Jedi.  It brings me peace, and sometimes, it brings me visions of their lives.  Yours is a strong presence, one that came to me very easily.  I do not know why," said Obi-Wan.  "However, the Imperial Garrison are sure to be on their way, since that ship of yours blasted it's way clear, so perhaps we need to find a more suitable setting for talk."

     "Lead the way, old friend," said Quinlan, turning back to where his newly found and lost friend laid motionless on the ground.  "Should we move him, or at least strip him of anything relating him to the Jedi?"

     "Moving him will slow us down and get us caught.  We can search him quickly, though I'd be willing to bet that he has nothing of his past life among him.  After all, he was a Grey Jedi."

     "Very well, Kenobi.  Let's get out of here."


     "I have failed you, my Master.  My life is forfeit, I give it to you," growled Cheai Xatal.  She seethed with anger at losing Vos, when she had him cornered in that cave. 

     "You have failed me indeed, Bothan" echoed Vader's booming voice through the holoprojector.  You shall be punished for your incompetence.  However, it will have to wait.  I have another task for you.  I've felt a disturbance in the Force, and I believe your skills will be needed.  You may indeed redeem yourself, if only slightly, should you complete your next task."  Even as a transparent blue video, Vader's presence made the hair on Xatal's neck stand on end.  He was thousands of light years away, yet he could crush her throat with but a thought.  Cheai Xatal had a long way to go in her studies and trainings before she could begin to hope to do the same.

     "As you wish, my Lord.  Your will is mine.  What is it you require of me?" asked Cheai.  She drew herself up to her full height, her black Bothan fur gleaming in the azure glow of the holoprojector.

     "Go to my castle on Bast.  There, you will await an old Jedi Master by the name of A'Sharaad Hett.  He is a vile Tusken Raider, and as such, should not be trusted.  The Force tells me that he is seeking me out.  More importantly, I'm getting tremors in the Force telling me that two others hunt him as we speak, and they are the true prize.  Keep Hett alive until the others arrive, and then I want him to suffer great pain before he dies at my hands.  I will arrive on Bast after you have defeated all three.  Do NOT fail me again, Witch," menaced Vader, pointed his onyx gloved finger at Xatal, as if poking her directly in her twisted, black soul.

     "I will not fail you again, my Master.  I'm setting the course for Bast now."


     "You're right, this ale is horrible!" spat Vos as he choked down another drink of the putrid beverage.  "Isn't there a better place to hide out than Wuher's Cantina?  I've been here before, and it was a stink hole then.  I never imagined it would actually be worse than then."

     "Young Wuher is not a fan of the Imperials, and offers them no special privileges.  The Hutts still control Tatooine, and even the Empire isn't strong or stupid enough to take them on, so we are as safe here as anywhere.  Besides, this is a great place to find a pilot.  I have a few contacts, so we'll see if anything pans out," chortled Obi-Wan.  The aging Jedi Master sank into his seat in the booth, stashed in the back corners of the cantina where prying eyes had difficulty seeing.  He sat huddled into his robes, his right hand stroking his greying beard while his left stroked the handle of his concealed lightsaber.  True, this was the safest place to be right now, but even that was dangerous.

     An Aqualish strode across the room, glancing almost unnoticeably at the pair of Jedi fugitives in the corner, as he made his way to the bar.  He was a blue skinned Aqualish, his tusks polished white - a sharp contrast to the thick black bristles of his mustache.  Dressed in a crisp, clean green jumpsuit with polished black boots, he certainly looked out of place in this filthy hovel.  He glanced back towards the door, where four large, muscled individuals stode in, casing the place with their eyes and implanted scanners.  Two were human, both of whom looked to have been carved from rock.  Another of the quad of surly looking beings was a Nautolan.  It'd been a long time since Obi-Wan had seen one.  Not since Master Fisto was slain by Darth Sidious twelve years ago.  The final brute was a Quarren, with eyes that burned an orange of such intensity, it made Obi-Wan feel as though they stared into his very soul.  It was clear, the four were in the employ of the Aqualish, and were scanning the cantina for trouble, Imperial or otherwise.

     The Aqualish turned from the bar and headed nonchalantly to where Kenobi and Vos sat, carrying a steaming cup of caf in his meaty hand.  Without saying a word, or asking for permission, he sat down in the booth next to Obi-Wan.  "It's not easy to reach me, Kenobi.  I sure hope you have a reason for meeting in a place like this.  I'd hate to have to vaporize the entire cantina just to cover my escape."  The Aqualish's voice was full of menace and disdain.  His gruff demeanor was definitely aimed at Obi-Wan as a means for intimidation.  The Aqualish had miscalculated who he was meeting with.

     "Korto Vos, may I introduce you to an old friend from back in the days of the Clone Wars, Xurxes Calpath, one of the best pilots in the galaxy.  He runs a very operation in the Hapes cluster," said Kenobi calmly, clearly not bothered by Calpath's bluster.  Xurxes, old friend, how's the galaxy treating you these days?"

     "Oh, you know I can't complain, Kenobi.  I'm staying busy, raking in tons of money the Empire isn't touching.  I just bought a mining cluster, actually.  Selling Tibanna gas is quite lucrative, it seems," warbled Xurxes, clearly relaxed in his tones now.  "I hear you're looking for transport off of this rock.  Might I ask to where?"

     "That depends, Xurxes," said Obi-Wan with a smile.

     "Depends on what," asked Calpath with a slight annoyance.

     "On how adventurous you feel, and how much you want to help me out," remarked Obi-Wan cryptically. 

     "Enough games, old man.  Where do you need to go, and why?"

     "The why is not important, and the where is not known yet."

     "Do you expect me to cruise throughout the galaxy until your silly little Force powers tell you where to go?  Do you think I have nothing better to do?

     "Of course not, my good friend.  Our location is dependent on where a ship that blasted out of her yesterday had traveled to.  I believe, since they clearly broke every Imperial edict, that the ship we're after may have left an ion trail, and that some Imperials are tracking it.  I thought perhaps-"

     "You thought that my men would be able to crack into the Imperial Databases and find mention of where your little star ship flew off to, and that I'd be willing to take you there," snapped Xurxes.  "Do you really think I'll fly you into the waiting arms of the Empire?  Believe me, while your well being is the least of my concern, make no mistake that my well being is."

     "What I need is indeed for your men to find out where the ship we're after is heading, and get us to that star cluster.  Then, I will need to borrow a light starfighter capable of carrying two passengers, to follow the ship.  You won't even need to be in harm's way.  And you're get your fighter back, or at least one of comparable value," said Kenobi.

     Calpath eyed the pair of Jedi, mulling the idea in his head.  He did owe Obi-Wan Kenobi for his life, and even though Calpath would just as soon shoot you in the back than live up to a debt, this was one he couldn't ignore.  Kenobi not only saved his life, but the lives of his wife and children from a Separatist massacre led by General Grievous.  Calpath knew the choice was obvious, and had little danger that his men couldn't handle, but liked to toy with the Jedi Master a bit, just for fun.  "Fine, you have yourself a deal.  But if you lose my starfighter, I expect one of even greater worth in return.  When do we leave," asked Xurxes.

     "We are ready when you are, Xurxes.  We can meet you at your ship when you have finished your preparations."

     "Docking bay ninety-four, one hour.  Any later, and you're on your own," barked Calpath as he got up and made his way to the exit.

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #59 on: August 01, 2010, 12:16:18 AM »
this story is getting cooler by the minute.........
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...