Author Topic: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls - The Final Chapter  (Read 13496 times)

Offline hangarbay94

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #60 on: August 01, 2010, 03:16:45 PM »

You really have a masterful writing skill and I am really amazed at the quality of your story.

You have tremendous talent for someone who is not a professional writer, I somehow cannot quite believe that you are actually writing this. The fact is you are! and I am becoming quite in awe at the depth and quality of this piece of work.

This is a very enjoyable read, with some very convincing characters.

Can't wait to read more....

Offline wraithnine

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #61 on: August 01, 2010, 03:44:34 PM »
Pat i read a hell of a lot of books! and i'm telling u mate that this is right up there amongst the Michael Stackpoles and Aaron Allstons of this world....
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline Phatty

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #62 on: August 01, 2010, 06:47:13 PM »
Guys, you are making me blush, and that is just about impossible!  I enjoy writing these, and I'm trying my darnedest to make sure there is quality dialogue, vibrant descriptive story lines, and realistic plots.  I'm also trying not to drag this out unnecessarily, so that it doesn't become boring.

Offline hangarbay94

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #63 on: August 03, 2010, 03:39:24 PM »
Boring? .... Boring? are you kidding?.... you are the pied piper, we just follow, mesmerised by your story!!!!

Offline Phatty

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #64 on: September 05, 2010, 07:51:10 PM »
     The turbulent atmosphere gave way to an orange glow, emanating from the planet's volcanic nature.  On the horizon, Jedi Master A'Sharad Hett noted the silhouette of an ominous black castle, reaching up from the rocky terrain as if trying to claim the burnt orange sky as part of itself.  Hett took his stolen cruiser low along the landscape of Bast, navigating through the rivers of flowing crimson lava and blackened outcroppings of jagged stone.  If the planet's ruling master weren't enough of a deterrent for visiting Bast, the planet's geography certainly was.  Hett again tried to hail any listening bodies over the comm channels, hoping to reach someone before Bast Castle's defense array began to pour a torrent of laser fire at him.  "A'Sharad Hett, contacting Bast Castle.  I seek an audience with Lord Vader," spoke Master Hett into his comm system.  Again, there was no answer.  It was as if the planet was deserted.  Or worse yet, that they were expecting him.  That last thought was unsettling.  Hett reached out with the Force, feeling for any kind of clue, any hint at what awaited him at Bast Castle.  While he could sense thousands of lives at the castle, what caught his attention immediately was the presence of a great darkness in the Force, an evil he hadn't felt in a long while.

     Suddenly, as if they had materialized from the atmosphere itself, six Imperial TIE Defenders found themselves surrounding Hett's stolen ship.  Their tight formation gave no room for maneuverability on Hett's part.  They were clearly escorting him, and if he didn't like it, they would vaporize him without a second thought.  He liked their style.  Still, no one hailed him on his comms, and none answered his requests.  It was silent, and he would trust in the Force.  Soon, when Bast castle had gone from looming over the horizon to glaring in his viewscreen, it was evident where he was to land.  The sextuplet of TIE Defenders prodded his craft to a landing platform atop a solitary spire.  Hett gently sat the craft down, and looked out the viewscreen at the entourage awaiting him before he disembarked.  An entire garrison of 501st Stormtroopers stood in perfect formation, almost as if they were welcoming him.  As if they were waiting for him.  This was unsettling, but not completely.  As the landing ramp lowered itself, Hett gathered himself for the coming meeting with the man once known as Anakin Skywalker.  Hett strapped his lightsaber to his belt and strode down the ramp.  As he walked towards the castle, passing the cadre of Stormtroopers lined shoulder to shoulder, white armor pure as the snow on Hoth, Hett built up an intense Force shield, for whatever awaited him at the end of this procession.  The evil he sensed was strongest there, though it bore no memory that Hett had of Darth Vader.  Had he been corrupted so greatly by the Dark Side that he was no longer recognizable?  No, it was not Vader he sensed, but a female, and not human.  As Hett reached for his lightsaber, a helmeted voice broke the silence behind him.

     "Do not reach for your weapon, Jedi.  You won't be able to deflect this many blaster bolts, and you know it," said the Stormtrooper Commander.  Hett turned his head slightly, and the sight was definitely something to behold.  The entire garrison of troopers had closed in to flanking and sniping positions without hardly a sound.  And if that weren't enough, an array of Shadow Guards had appeared to take the lead in any assault.  A'Sharad Hett could not help but smile and be impressed.

     "I do not come to battle," said Hett calmly, "I only wish to speak to Lord Vader about something that he will be quite eager to hear."

     "Do you," came a chilling, growling voice from the shadows.  "What makes you think you know something that Lord Vader does not?  And what makes you think that Lord Vader would believe a traitorous Jedi such as yourself?"

     "Because what I know has been covered better than any other secret in the Jedi Order.  A secret that involves Kenobi and Yoda.  Because if Vader knew, he wouldn't have hesitated to act on this," said Hett confidently.

     A female Bothan came out of the shadows, cloaked in black silk attire, trimmed with crimson red accents.  Her jet black fur laid neatly against her body, her eyes glowed a bloody red in their sockets.  As she stood there, radiating waves of Dark Side energy, her yellowed clawed hands twitched with excitement.  At her waist hung several lightsaber hilts, yet one in particular hung alone, clearly her favored weapon.  "Lord Vader has been expecting you, Tusken.  Come with me, and do not attempt anything foolish, as it will be the last thing you ever do."

     As A'Sharad followed behind the Bothan, the Shadow Guards and 501st closed in around them, a tight cocoon of Imperial force enshrouding them both.


     "Bast?  Are you serious?" shouted Vos from across the bridge?  "Do you honestly think we can just waltz into the planet OWNED by Vader?  Do you honestly think that we have any chance against what is sure to be an entire fleet of Imperial forces protecting the residence of Darth Vader?"

     "Calm down, my Kiffar friend, it's not like we're trying to land at the Emperor's chambers on Coruscant," chided Obi-Wan.  Vos often found Master Kenobi's wry smile and calm demeanor in the face of almost certain defeat annoying.  It was though Kenobi didn't ever really consider the implications of his machinations.  "We aren't going to just knock on his front door and try to sell him cookies and caf.  Trust in the Force my friend, and we'll find our way.  We have to stop Hett from contacting Vader.  The fate of the Jedi Order rests in the secrets that must remain hidden."

     "May I ask you something, Master Kenobi," prodded Quinlan Vos.

     "Of course, old friend.  Anything."

     "You don't call him Anakin anymore, though you've known him since he was nine years old.  He was your first and only padawan.  He was your friend.  He was your brother in arms.  You had survived the Clone Wars side by side, and had maintained one of the tightest bonds of any Jedi among the order.  And yet, you no longer call him Anakin.  Only his new moniker.  Why?

     Master Kenobi stared out into the blackness of space, his hand stroking his beard pensively.  His eyes became dark and cold as he stared into oblivion, or perhaps into his own soul.  His features darkened as well, his smile gone as though it had never been.  Vos could feel the effects in the Force, and they were chilling, even coming from Kenobi of all Jedi.  Vos had never witnessed this sort of display from him, and he was immediately sorry that he had asked the question.  At last, Kenobi spoke, "The man who was once Anakin Skywalker no longer exists, not only for me, but for the entire Universe.  He was seduced by the Dark Side, and at that time, Darth Vader arose from the ashes that was once Anakin Skywalker."

     "Listen, Master, I didn't mean-"

     "If we are to interept Hett before he can do any harm, we have to sneak in under their radar," interrupted Kenobi forcefully.  The topic had been closed, make no mistake about it.

     "And that's where I can be of assistance," chimed in Captain Calpath in his thick Aqualish accent.  "My ship's sensor and cloaking array is more than enough to get you planet-side, though we'll have to drop you a ways off from the castle itself."

     "Good enough, my old friend," said Kenobi in his usual good humor, as if the previous events had not even taken place.  "I don't suppose you'd have a speeder we could borrow from you as well, do you?"

     "Borrow?!" bellowed Calpath with a laugh. "And just how do you intend to return it to me, Jedi?  Must I remind you about the Battle of Bothawui, where you 'borrowed' one of my starfighters?  And just where is my fighter, exactly, and when do I get it back?"

     "Ok, fair is fair," chuckled Master Kenobi.  "May I take a speeder, and repay you for it at a later date?"

     "Of course, old friend.  Go down below and ready yourselves.  We touch down planet side in twenty minutes."


     "Master Kenobi, what makes you think that Hett hasn't already told Vader all about your dirty little secrets?" inquired Master Vos carefully, hoping not to push the wrong button again.

     "You can relax yourself, old friend.  You had every right to ask the questions you have, and I must learn to better control my emotions surrounding...Vader," said Kenobi with his usual humor, obviously sensing Vos' apprehension.  "And to answer your previous question, Vader is not here.  At least not yet.  I do sense another, however, and I sense that you do as well."

     "Indeed I do.  I believe that would be the Bothan Sith Witch I fought on Terminus.  I wonder what she's doing here."

     "My guess is, nothing good.  I have a bad feeling about this," said Obi-Wan.  He checked the settings and controls of the speeder one more time, ensuring it would be ready for immediate use upon touch down.  It wasn't built for offense, that was for sure.  But knowing Calpath, it was built for speed and defense, sure to make a decent getaway if need be.  The MandalMotors LUX-3 landspeeder bore dark green body panels marred with blaster marks and rust spots.  Deep gouges eroded into the hull of the ship caused from any number of confrontations throughout it's history.  The amber hued lens of the cockpit showcased the blaster burns permanently tattooing the smooth glass.  A few cursory blasters added to the landspeeder's shape, enough to prove a point, but not enough to fend off a full assault. 

     "Touch down in one minute and counting, Kenobi.  Strap in and get ready for free fall," came the thick aquatic voice of the freighter's Captain.

     "Well, I guess this is where we get off," joked Obi-Wan.  He hopped into the pilot's seat and buckled in his harness, powering on the speeder's power systems.  Vos sat beside him and followed in kind, checking the weapons and shield systems.

     "Systems active, ready for deployment," said Vos calmly.

     And with that, the bay doors opened, dropping the Mandalorian-designed landspeeder to the planet less than a quarter of a kilometer below.  Just as the craft neared the ground, the repulsorlifts kicked in and kept the small ship from splattering across the landscape, jetting them across the ground towards the looming black castle on the horizon.


     "I smell the stench of the Jedi on you, yet I also sense the seed of the Dark Side inside of you," growled Cheai Xatal, the Bothan Sith Witch.  "Have you flirted with the Greatness that is the Sith, and burried below the surface like a coward, or have you begun to realize the truth in the Force?"

     "Make no mistake, Bothan, your beastly growls do not intimidate me.  I have realized the failings of the Jedi, just as I have realized the triumphs of the Sith.  Neither side is without fault, and perhaps both need to be eradicated.  For now, I'm here to right a wrong, and nothing more," said Hett with a note of threat in his voice.  Was this vile Tusken Raider actually challenging Xatal, seeking to draw her into battle?  Or was he simply foolish enough to think he had any control of the situation.  The Shadow Guards clearly felt something out of place, as their formation changed to an offensive one, readying themselves for a battle yet to come.  "Enough with this posturing, Witch.  I must speak with Lord Vader immediately, and I must do so in person.  I sense that two Jedi that he would be most interested in have arrived planet side, and are heading this way."

     "I sense no such tremors in the Force, Tusken," spat Xatal.  "Either you are trying to fool me into believing such lies, or you have led them here.  Both are foolish, and both will earn you your death!"

     "I would not be so foolish to bring Jedi here," snarled Hett.  "And do not think that your precious Shadow Guards and Stormtroopers will intimidate me.  I have come here with the express purpose to speak with Vader about a matter that is personal to him, and will not be spoken down to by the likes of you.  In fact, I sense that one of the Jedi has a history with you as well, so how do I know they aren't here for you afterall?"

     Cheai Xatal drew herself up to her full height and allowed her feelings to flow in the Dark Side, searching for these so called Jedi that the Tusken claimed roamed the countryside.  And there, now a glaring pock mark in the Force, was Jedi Master Quinlan Vos.  What surprised her even more, was the presence of Master Obi-Wan Kenobi.  It was long rumored among the Sith Acolytes that Kenobi was Vader's Jedi Master before he had ascended to the Dark Side, and that Kenobi had not died on Mustafar as the Emperor had said.  The hackles on her neck stood high on end, and for the first time in a long time, she felt true fear.

     "What's the matter, Bothan?  Cathar got your tongue," goaded Hett.  I sense great fear in you, creature.  Perhaps you are not as strong as you or your master believe."

     "Guards, Troopers, leave us!" barked Xatal.  The garrison at her command followed their master's wish obediently and immediately, leaving the two Force wielders alone in the great hall of Vader's Castle.  The long hall had immense ceilings that seemed to be supported by an almost endless expanse of stone walls and pillars.  The red carpet that covered the floor seemed to reflect directly the same ruby red hue that emanated from Xatal's already ignited lightsaber.  The walls were adorned with various relics from the fallen Jedi Temples of Coruscant and Dantooine, trophies of Vader's victories over the weak Jedi.  Xatal ignited another lightsaber, spinning them both in wide, sweeping arcs, creating a dazzling light show that only made Hett more eager to silence this creature's voice.  Hett instantly recognized the second lightsaber as Master Windu's, it's purple blade glowing brighter than the red one that belonged to Cheai.  Hett ignited his blade, it's red blade matching Cheai's.  Using the Force, A'Sharad called another hilt from the display on the wall of the Great Hall and ignited it as well.  A dazzling amaranthine blade sprung from the silenced hilt, and A'Sharad immediately recognized it through the Force as belonging to one of his first mentors, The Dark Woman.  He had not felt her loss in the Force, but it was evident that she had gone, because no one had ever disarmed her before.  Not even Masters Windu or Yoda had been able to take her lightsaber from her hands.  Hett stepped backwards into a Form VII Vaapad stance and readied himself for the coming onslaught from the Sith Witch. 

     The warcry from the Bothan reverberated off the rock in the walls with a deafening crescendo, and it made Hett hungry for her blood.  This would be a battle to be enjoyed.

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #65 on: September 06, 2010, 10:51:20 AM »
Daggone Pat, I told myslef I was just gonna check in and check out today as I am home duties to attend to today. I got hooked when I saw this. I am telling you, you need to go get a publisher to see this and start getting paid for this great work. I know I would buy it.

Offline wraithnine

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #66 on: September 06, 2010, 12:27:00 PM »
pat this is one stonking well written story mate   ........get to a!
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline Phatty

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #67 on: September 12, 2010, 07:55:24 PM »
     The brutal assault against Jedi Master A'Sharaad Hett was quick and pointed.  The Bothan, angry at her apparent weakness in his shadow, sought to slay the Dark Jedi Master before the Tusken had the chance to engage her in swordplay.  Each cut, swipe, thrust, parry, and feint was easily met and brushed aside by the fallen Jedi, now powered by his hatred and anger, feeding from the Dark Side of the Force.  While her animalistic reflexes and strength were typically more than a match for any mere human, she now faced a man who's entire upbringing was surrounded by savagery and brutality.  Hett swung his twin lightsabers with speed and power, seeking to break her guard with every blow that crashed with an electric shatter each and every time.  It took all Xatal had to block in time, not to mention finding the time and openings to return her own attacks.  Her gutteral growls at the Tusken Raider were met with ferocious howls and grunts of Hett's own native people.  Brilliant flashes of ruby and violet decorated the black walls of the Great Hall in Vader's castle on Bast.  The atmosphere was thick with burnt ozone from both combatants lightsabers, the crackling and sparking adding to the hate fueled fireworks display.

     Cheai Xatal leaped off the lower portion of the wall nearest to her to give herself an aerial advantage over Hett, who easily rolled under, coming up with great speed and swinging his forehand lightsaber in a plummeting arc at the back of his foe's head.  Even as she brought her own lightsaber behind her to deflect the attack, Hett was already gathering up Force energy to unleash as a torrent of Force Lightning.  The bright photoelectric display snaked from his fingertips in rapid jolts, seeking to burn their target down to the bone.  The sudden and unexpected assault clearly caught the Bothan Sith by surprise, and even as she hurriedly threw up a Force shield, it wasn't enough to deflect the entire assault.  Some of the electric tendrils managed to reach their target, but what did the most damage was the freight train of Force energy that followed.  While her fur begun to singe and burn, the immense energy wave that accompanied it threw her forward, slamming her face into the cold stone floor.  The room immediately began to spin, and it took all of Cheai's concentration to keep herself from losing consciousness.  That moment of lapse of focus only opened the door wider for Hett's onslaught.  In a sprint, Hett came at Xatal in a double swing of his lightsabers, trying to cleave her head from her shoulders.  At the very final moment, as the heat from the pulsating blades came within mere millimeters of the nape of her neck, her attention was again brought to the here and now, and in those final seconds, barely managed to roll away and block the attack.  Using her pain and hatred to fuel her return, she threw an off balance Hett backwards enough to give her room to gain her footing.  To Xatal's dismay, all of her Force potential was not enough to do any more than slide Hett back a few meters, never losing his own footing or causing him loss of balance.  His strength startled her, and brought about new levels of fear once again.

     "I can feel your fear, creature.  I can taste it!" goaded Hett as he regained his composure, again settling into one of the many forms of Vapaad.  He circled the Bothan as she stood in the center of the Great Hall, her fur smoldering, her skin burnt.  She was bleeding from somewhere, though even she did not know where.  Her entire body was racked with blistering pain, and even her strength in the Dark Side, in the Force, was not enough to dispel her misery.  She brought herself up to her full height, back straight, chest puffed out.  She may fall here in her Master's castle, but she would not give her killer the satisfaction of thinking he had broken her.  "Your bluster does not sway me, girl.  Your pain only feeds my powers, only makes me stronger."

     "You talk too much, savage," remarked the Bothan through clenched teeth.  "Perhaps I shall remove your tongue."

     "Your empty threats do not affect me, mongrel.  You can barely stand, yet you believe you have what it takes to remove my tongue?  You are most certainly invited to try," mocked Hett with an evil grin. 

     The Sith Witch gathered all of the Force potential she could muster, raising her strongest shield, pumping her muscles with whatever remained, as she launched herself across the floor at the Jedi Master.  Her speed was overwhelming, or so she thought.  With every fiber of her being, she sprinted across the floor, closing the ground between the two combatants, and opened her arms wide, pointing her lightsabers in opposite directions.  She left her feet, rising above Hett as she let out a blood curdling scream.  She brought her right lightsaber down and across, even as she brought her left up and across in the opposite direction.  She was trying to split his focus on three separate planes of attack, hoping one of her methods would connect with her target.  Even if he batted aside both swipes of her lightsabers, her clawed feet would certainly find his throat and tear it from his neck.

     Despite her well choreographed assault, it did not catch Hett by surprise.  While she gathered her powers for attack, she let down her mental guard, and laid all of her plans out in her mind, open like a book, for Hett to study and read.  He knew before she did how she was going to attack.  As the Bothan came careening at him through the air, Hett focused his mind to a sharp point, and in a swift motion, batted aside both lightsaber attacks and simultaneously shredded her meager Force shield from around her.  In that split second between the two acts, Hett launched a full measure of Force Lightning, creating an immense Force Storm, and decimated the creature even before she hit the floor.  Even as she was flung through the air, her fur had burst into flames, her body overtaken with a lightning storm focused solely on her.  As she struck the floor, her limbs going limp, her lightsabers extinguished, she let out a shriek of agony and despair.  She landed with more of a squish than a thud, her battered and bloody body limp and virtually lifeless.  Hett stood over her body, her life essence fading before his very eyes.  As he gazed upon the creature, it's skin charred black, hair melted away, Hett felt no pity.  No sorrow.  No remorse.  His fall to the Dark Side was now complete, and he never felt more alive, more powerful. 

     "Please, make it quick.  Grant me that final request, from one Sith to another," whimpered a weak Cheai Xatal.

     "Mercy is for the Jedi.  I am Jedi no more," scowled Hett as he spat on her mutilated body.  Instead of simply removing her head, he began to stomp on her body, crushing bone and joint, relishing in her continued agony.  She cried out relentlessly for her guards and her Master, but none came.  Hett enjoyed her brutal beating at his hands, and continued until he sensed her spark in the Force fade for good.  Certain she was no longer alive, he finally dismembered her corpse, leaving her head on a Force pike in the center of the Great Hall for all to see.


     "Did you feel that, Master Kenobi?" asked Quinlan Vos.  The sounds of battle coming from inside of the enormous black castle had ceased, and the only sound they had heard in the past few minutes were a single shriek of pain and despair.  Both had sensed the complete and utter decent to the Dark Side of A'Sharaad Hett.  What they felt now was a void.  "It appears as though the Sith who has been after me is no more."

     "Indeed, old friend.  Hett killed her, and now is completely lost to the Dark Side.  He's more dangerous than ever.  We must tread carefully, who knows what else is waiting inside."

     The graying Jedi Master moved silently to the castle's main entrance.  He signaled his friend to the other side, and both peered carefully around the corners of the aperture in the castle's outer wall.  Not one Stormtrooper, Royal Guard, or any other person, droid, or animal in sight.  With a silent hand gesture, Obi-Wan motioned Vos to follow him into the courtyard surrounding the onyx castle, moving to the open door looming ahead of them.  As they slipped inside, both men were immediately greeted by the cold, ominous presence of the Dark Side.  Even the lifeless stone seemed to emanate hatred and anger.  The men unhooked their lightsabers from their belts, not igniting them, but holding them at the ready in case of any surprises.  Neither man felt any presence other than the distant impression of their once comrade in arms.  They entered a terrific hallway, decorated on both walls with a plethora of Jedi memorabilia, obviously stolen from the Jedi Temples on Coruscant and Dantooine.  Tomes, holocrons, and lightsabers of slain Jedi adorned walls and displays, clearly signifying the trophies Vader had accumulated throughout his evil reign as Dark Lord of the Sith.  Obi-Wan recognized several artifacts belonging to those he once knew as friends, mentors, and pupils.  Ahead, in the corner of the Great Hall, stood what appeared to be some sort of shrine, featuring the headdress and lightsaber of Ahsoka Tano, the one time apprentice of Anakin Skywalker.  How she met her end, Obi-Wan could only guess.  The thought did nothing but chill him. She was a sweet Togrutan girl who idolized Anakin throughout the Clone Wars.  Kenobi wouldn't have been surprised at all if Anakin had learned as much from his pupil as he had taught her himself.  The shrine looked to be one of reverence, more than pride.  Even the aura that surrounded the display echoed a strong feeling of remorse.  It struck Obi-Wan as odd, considering the fact that Anakin seemed to have no trouble as he slaughtered younglings in the Jedi Temple.  Kenobi glanced back at Vos, finding his Kiffar friend pocketing several items as he walked the hall.

     "Shopping for souvenirs, Master Vos?" inquired Obi-Wan quizzically. 

     "These are Jedi holocrons, Master Kenobi.  They need to be preserved for the future of the Jedi, not adorning walls of some Sith stronghold," replied Vos.

     "Leave them be for now.  We needn't be slowed down with extra gear if we are to stop Master Hett.  He's grown more powerful and will require both of our abilities to stop him.  We can come back for them afterward," said Kenobi.

     Quinlan Vos stood and stared at his friend and comrade.  He knew Kenobi was right, though the conflict in his own mind kept him from returning the artifacts to their current resting places.  "You're right, Master.  We can come back," answered Vos finally.  He set them back down and continued through the halls with his friend.

     The size of the castle seen from the outside hid all too well the true size of the complex.  The pair of aging Jedi Masters wandered the many halls and rooms, letting the Force guide them to their destination.  Darth Vader had spent quite a bit of time here at first, it seemed.  He filled each and every room with things from throughout his life to remind him of what he had lost, and what he had gained.  Riches and extravagant pieces of art and sculptures filled some rooms, while other contained memories he had hoped not to bury.  And it was soon that Obi-Wan Kenobi discovered a room that held a great deal of memories for him, as well as Vader.  He entered a room, rich with plants and grasses, trickling streams, and artificial sunlight.  It took Kenobi only a moment to realize what the room was designed to reflect.  He stood in an artificial construct of Naboo.  What unsettled him more than the identical rendering of a far away planet, was what lied in the center of the enormous room, atop a small hill covered in flowers.  Obi-Wan could not hardly believe what he was seeing, and approached with caution.  As Kenobi reached the top of the small hill, his shock was confirmed.  What lay beneath him in the flowers was the coffin of the late Padme Amidala-Skywalker.  Killed by her grief over Anakin's fall to the Dark Side, she had been returned to Naboo for ceremony and burial.  Vader must have returned and removed her coffin.  The methods of preservation performed by the Polis Massans was incredible!  Padme looked the same today as she had when Obi-Wan held her hand as she became one with the Force after delivering Luke and Leia.  Her delicate features were as crisp as they once had been, her mocha hued hair laid neatly around her beautiful face.  She wore a petite smile upon her rose colored lips, as though she were happy and content once again.  The site of his old friend, the girl who once fooled he and his Master into believing she was a simple hand maiden, broke his heart.  For too long had he kept her memory from his mind.  So strong was she, in body and mind.  Vader had once loved her, more than he had loved his thirst for power.  They had secretly married, had children, and carried on a romance, and they were both strong enough in their minds that no one had ever found out.  Not even Master Yoda had seen that.  Obi-Wan traced his finger along her silhouette on the glass of her coffin.  It felt as smooth as her skin once had.  "There is no death, there is the Force."  Obi-Wan believed in the words, though he still had to choke back a single tear as it welled up in his eye.  He stood and sauntered down from the hill, exiting the room quietly, where Master Vos waited for him.

     "Something troubling you, Master Kenobi?" asked Vos solemnly.  He knew there was something of great power of emotion in the room Kenobi had just emerged from, and was not sure he really wanted to know.

     "An old friend, just as I remembered her," answered Kenobi in a low, soft voice.  "Come, we must keep moving.  I sense that we'll be having company soon if we don't hurry."

     Vos fell into step behind his friend as they headed to the staircase that led to the upper floors.  Kenobi's shoulders sagged visibly.

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #68 on: September 13, 2010, 12:42:13 AM »
good god man!   how dare you have such talent!   :) ;D
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline Phatty

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #69 on: September 13, 2010, 04:51:21 AM »
LOL!  Thanks Jay!

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #70 on: September 26, 2010, 07:35:11 PM »
     Oppulence.  Power.  Everything he could behold.  None of it was his, but A'Sharad Hett smiled as he sat upon a throne made for a Sith Lord.  Vader's Castle, jutting from the landscape of Bast like a vibroblade through the torso of a murdered opponent.  And resting inside were the desires and torments of one of the most brutal and powerful Sith Lord to ever fall to the Dark Side, riches both valuable and invaluable.  What began as a quest to right what he believed to be a wrong, has now turned into a need to fulfill his own greatest desires.  Jedi Master A'Sharad Hett sank further into the soft velour wrappings of the incredible chair, nestled in the center of the Dark Master's high courtroom.  He closed his eyes, imagining what his own castle would be like once he felled Darth Vader and took his place as the Emperor's Apprentice.  It suddenly dawned on him, that he had never realized that he had such aspirations.  But with the death of Vader's apprentice, it was only natural that he pursue greater ambitions.  So easy was it to slay Vader's apprentice, the Sith Witch known as Cheai Xatal.  Hett's delight in her death had never been felt before.  The Jedi had lied to him, he now realized.  The Jedi code was a lie, because peace was a lie.  His new strength and power could only grow stronger, and one day, he would be the one and only Dark Lord of the Sith.  He would one day rule the Galaxy, bring order and balance to it as he saw fit.  His old life was dead to him.  He found it very easy to cast that life aside, and embrace his new life as a Sith.  A'Sharad Hett was no longer.  Forever shall live, Darth Krayt, servant of the Sith.  As he sat there, relishing in his new vision, a presence called out to him in the Force, startling the Tusken back to his senses.  He felt the presence of his old friend, Obi-Wan Kenobi.  Yet, he felt the presence of another, as well.  Another Jedi had come with Kenobi, in hopes of destroying the newly berthed Sith.  "Fools," said Darth Krayt aloud.  Krayt stood and prepared him for the coming battle, breathing in the evil that clung to the walls of the compound of Darth Vader.  Even as Krayt built up his potential energies, rich in the Dark Side, another presence began to touch is mind, in the dark recesses he had never explored.  Vader was coming.  

     Both Jedi wrapped themselves in a protective Force bubble as they neared the high court of Darth Vader.  A chill emanated from the vast room, and it wasn't simply because the stench of Vader clung to the stone like a festering moss.  Hett had fallen completely now, and it would take both Jedi to stop him.

     "Are you ready, old friend?" asked Kenobi, his lightsaber in his hand.

     "Does it matter?" answered Vos in his usual crass tone.  Kenobi couldn't help but smile at the irony of the situation.  Vos had fallen completely to the Dark Side, not once, but twice.  Yet every time, he had returned to the light, stronger and better for it each instance.  He hoped they could bring Master Hett back to the Light as well.  There were too few Jedi left in the Galaxy to lose one as strong as Hett to the Dark Side.  Obi-Wan had hoped it wouldn't have come to this.  Just another failure of Kenobi's that would have ramifications on the rest of the Galaxy.

     As the duo entered the great room, walls seemingly endless in their heights, yet impossibly close, a lone figure stood in the middle of the room.  Pure hatred and disdain radiated from him like solar flares from the twin suns of Tatooine.  Two lightsabers stood ignited at his sides; one crimson like blood, the other a deep violet.  Both men strode towards the figure, parting each others company to flank the newly christened Sith acolyte.  Obi-Wan lit up his azure lightsaber and headed to his right, while Vos ignited his jade hued lightsaber, heading to his left.

     "There is no where else to run, old friend.  It's not too late for you, we can guide you back to the Light," started Obi-Wan.  "Lower your weapons and let's leave this place, before things get complicated around here."

     "Why would I want to go back?  I now harness a power I've never known, a power that can right all the wrongs of the Galaxy," smirked Krayt.  "I've only just begun to realize my true potential, and you won't convince me otherwise.  You can stay here and be destroyed, or flee before your former pupil arrives."

     Vos shot a quizzical look at Kenobi at that last statement.  Kenobi gave no indication of it's meaning, and that troubled Vos.  "Hett, you know as well as we do, you won't survive the both of us if you choose to go down that road," said Vos through clenched teeth.  "Take it from me, the Dark Side is not better, there is no real power there, only slavery.  I'm proof that there is always a choice."

     "And you brought another failure from the old Jedi Order!" remarked Darth Krayt, laughing lightly as he did so.  "You could have ended the Clone Wars much sooner with the death of Dooku.  You could have brought down the CIS from the inside with all of the undercover work you performed.  Or was it truly undercover?  Your fall to the Dark Side was well known by all, and yet you climbed your way back up, seemingly without scars.  Or are you hiding those scars well, Master Vos?  Yes, I can sense the conflict in you, regardless of how hard you are trying to keep them buried.  Give in, Quinlan Vos.  Give in to your hatred.  Join me, and together we can overthrow Vader and the Emperor and make this Galaxy how it should be!"

     "This old song and dance again?" sighed Master Vos.  "Are you so called Sith enslaved to some sort of script or something?  I've heard that same line from more so called Sith who were way more powerful than some sand jockey like you."

     "You dare mock me?" shouted Krayt.  "You have no idea how powerful I've become!  I've felled one Sith today already, a pair of misguided Jedi won't stop me from my plans!"  With that, Krayt reached out with the Force and pulled a pair of intense columns downward on the heads of the Jedi Masters  Both Jedi leaped aside, easily avoiding the crushing weight of the ferrocrete spires.  Even as they rolled to their feet, the man now known as Darth Krayt came down on Obi-Wan Kenobi, slashing at him with both lightsabers in a criss-cross motion, trying to sever his head before he had the chance to bring his own defenses to bear.  Instead of finding flesh, they found the emerald blade of Vos, who inexplicably closed ground and deflected the dual threat of Krayt's attack on Kenobi.  Using a Force Push, Vos thrust Krayt backwards ten meters, leaving room for both Jedi to regain their composure.  Krayt may have lost ground, but he never lost his footing.  Instantly, he returned the attack with a shower of Force Lightning, raining down crackling bolts of silver energy on the Jedi.  Both were able to block the attack with their lightsabers.  But while Kenobi deflected the attack on him into the ceiling, sending a shower of rock all around them, Quinlan Vos absorbed the energy as it coursed through his body.  Never batting an eye, never flinching, he gathered all of the jagged, electrified fingers of Force power into himself, focusing the gathering storm into his left hand.  The ball of Sith energy continued to grow, larger and larger.  Kenobi could only watch as Vos prepared the return attack, horrified that his friend would so simply utilize Dark Side powers to defeat his foe.  Perhaps Vos never truly learned his lessons.  

     The Kiffar Jedi continued to gather power as long as the Tusken Sith poured it into him.  Eventually, the Sith stopped the assault, confused at what he was seeing.  Master Vos looked up at the Sith, his eyes ablaze with power and strength.  Obi-wan moved to try and talk his friend down from the precipice he found himself in.  However, instead of having to utter a single syllable to Vos in caution, the Jedi simply closed his left hand, making a fist and extinguishing the Force Storm that had gathered there.  "You see, boy?" mocked Vos.  "Your newly found 'powers' are no match for the Light Side.  They never will be.  Your Sith beliefs are a lie.  Stand down and surrender, Jedi.  Please do not make us continue this farce any longer."

     Kenobi stood in awe of his friend.  He'd seen Master Yoda absorb Sith Lightning once before, during their duel with Count Dooku at the onset of the Clone Wars so many years ago.  He'd never known another Jedi to be able to so easily dismiss such savage use of the Force.  Yet here stood his friend and fellow Jedi, Master Quinlan Vos, who has been on both sides of the Force.  Kenobi watched as Hett stared down Vos, and as Vos returned the stare.  Neither man flinched, neither man breathed.  Suddenly, both men lit up their lightsabers and began to attack one another, ozone sparking and burning as their crackling blades clashed off one another.  The ferocity with which Hett rained down his blows were evenly matched and deflected with the harmony of Vos' fluid movements.  The hum of the duel took on a life of it's own, composing a concert of warfare to be sung by both combatant's lightsabers.  Each composer of this symphony of battle reached back and threw forward an intense Force Push, each hoping to upset the balance of the other.  Neither man was phased, both held their ground.  Obi-Wan could only watch as the two men continued their battle for position.  The blindingly quick flashes of green on red or purple on green was mesmerizing.  The whole thing was reminiscent of an Aqualish Opera.  Obi-Wan knew he should join in the battle in order to bring it to a quick halt, but he could feel the will of Quinlan Vos urge him not to interfere.  Kenobi respected his compatriot's wish and held back, lightsaber still lit, ready to jump in the moment the tide of battle was turned.

     The two men moved about one another with fluid motions, each striking and parrying, thrusting and dodging, neither man able to gain an advantage.  Every use of trickery attempted by Darth Krayt was deflected or absorbed by Jedi Master Vos.  Each attempt of Vos to overcome his opponent with his own Force powers were met with raw power from Krayt as well.  The man formerly known as A'Sharad Hett was now desperate to find a way to defeat his foe, for at this current pace, if he did defeat Vos, he'd be too tired to confront Kenobi.  Krayt decided to play a gamble, and split his focus for the briefest of moments.  While he traded swordplay with the dreadlocked Jedi, the Sith reached out with the Force and called forth any and all debris found in the great high court and elsewhere, whipping up a tornado of junk.  

     Vos was suddenly caught by surprise at the vortex of rock, sand, dirt, and wind, and in that moment of surprise, Darth Krayt found his opening.  He thrust outward with his lightsaber in an attempt to pierce the heart of the befuddled Jedi.  Instead of finding it's target, it was pushed aside violently by a blue blade coming from seemingly nowhere.  Obi-Wan had deflected the attack with one hand and tossed aside the flailing Jedi with the other using the Force to fling his ally free from another unseen attack.  Kenobi was able to weather the storm with an even bigger Force Shield and began his attack on the Sith monster that stood before him.

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #71 on: September 27, 2010, 01:22:00 AM »
in the words of Peter Griffin.....

R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #72 on: October 06, 2010, 04:35:10 AM »
Pat, I've got some serious catching up to do...

I'll get reading this evening and will post comment as soon as I'm done.

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #73 on: October 06, 2010, 07:30:30 AM »
Looking forward to them!

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #74 on: October 06, 2010, 04:31:35 PM »
Daggone Pat, I just got caught up with both the latest chapter. Guy you need to go deliver some of this to the book wrights. I would sure buy it. Your lightsaber duel stories are much better than any I have read in any SW book and I have read a couple.