Author Topic: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls - The Final Chapter  (Read 13451 times)

Offline hangarbay94

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #15 on: May 04, 2010, 11:43:21 AM »
Pat, as long as you know where you want to end up, the rest will come... This is so cool!

Offline dana.raye.smith

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2010, 04:53:07 PM »
This has been a great read thus far, and I too await the next installment.

Great work Phatty.

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #17 on: May 08, 2010, 07:29:16 PM »
Thanks!  I was hoping to get to the next chapter today, but I had a birthday party and dinner with friends I had forgotten all about, and now it appears as though I'll be spending a good portion of my day at my in-laws tomorrow.  Not to mention, I'll be gone all next week for the State Union Convention, so who knows if I'll get to it then or not!

Offline hangarbay94

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #18 on: May 08, 2010, 11:57:55 PM »
Like I said to MR1, my Photonovel takes about 12 weeks to complete a chapter, so there is no rush.

Offline wraithnine

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #19 on: May 09, 2010, 02:36:38 AM »
have  you two ever thought of a collaboration?   phatty writes the photonovel and jules puts it to his visuals share the workload.....just a thought
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline hangarbay94

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #20 on: May 09, 2010, 05:14:16 AM »
Wraith, we are already one step ahead of you there! Phatty has seen my proposed visuals...sometime soon you'll see the results of the collaboration.

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #21 on: May 09, 2010, 05:17:37 AM »
Wow, this read great Pat. I love it!  I am ready for the next chapter.

After this can I put in a request for you to finish Imperial Commandos?

Offline Phatty

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #22 on: May 09, 2010, 07:01:20 AM »
LOL!  Well, while I'd love to, I'd hate to ruin such a great series of novels.  I do have my ideas on how it COULD end, but don't know if I could do it.  We'll see how the rest of this one goes first!

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #23 on: May 09, 2010, 09:32:04 AM »
Pat, I got really stuck with Darkchild as I started it  not knowing how the story will end, it got really hard in the end, coupled with all of the other creative stuff I was doing I just crashed, so it's not easy...

If this is your first go at this, I think you have a natural talent, my comments aren't just there to give you a boost, they are from the heart and I am totally impressed. You must continue writing.

I agree completely, don't stop writing mate, your in the zone!
'help us awesome jawas, you're are only hope!'

Offline Phatty

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #24 on: May 15, 2010, 08:55:52 PM »
Chapter 4...

     The air crackled with intense energy, palpable as the robes that hung from the two Jedi Masters.  Obi-Wan could almost taste the Dark Side energies emanating from A’Sharaad Hett as he seethed in his hatred.  He had fallen so quickly, so deeply, and yet Obi-Wan could not even sense it.  The Dark Side had truly become the governing power of the Force, and the Jedi had truly lost their light in the universe.  What had driven Master Hett this far?  Has the influence of the Tusken Raiders taken root?  Or does A’Sharaad’s hatred and anger manifest from a different part of his heart?  This would not be a battle easily won, if at all.  Obi-Wan prepared himself in the Force, building up a defensive Force bubble in readiness against the coming onslaught from Hett.  Obi-Wan opened his mind to the Force, and prepared his soul to become one with the Force if he should fall.
   “A’Sharaad, you don’t want to fight me.  We have no reason to squabble,” remarked Obi-Wan.  “I don’t want to fight you, and you must beware of the Dark Side.”
   “Do not seek to lecture me, Master Kenobi.  The bane of the Jedi stands to destroy all the Jedi had built, and he was under your care.  Save your lectures for someone else.  I shall not let you further corrupt the Jedi with your lectures,” bit Hett.  Blue electricity began to build itself around A’Sharaad Hett, gathering into a Force storm aimed at Obi-Wan.  With a mere thought and a flick of his wrist, Hett sent a steady and large stream of lightning bolts intended to fry Kenobi where he stood.  There was nowhere for Obi-Wan to hide in the sandy plains of Tatooine, nowhere for Kenobi to escape the fierce attack from Hett.  Instantly, and not a moment too soon, Obi-Wan brought his lightsaber, ignited in its azure glory, in order to block and deflect the incoming fingers of electric death.  Master Hett continued to pour on the energy, forcing wave after devastating wave of Force lightning at Obi-Wan.  Disappointingly, not one bolt made its way past Kenobi’s lightsaber.  Angry at his failure, Hett suddenly used a Force push to put Obi-Wan off balance, again to no avail.
   “You have truly fallen, Hett.  You have given yourself to the Dark Side of the Force,” stated Obi-Wan solemnly.  “You cannot win, for the Light shall always prevail over the Dark Side.  Don’t give in to your anger, my young friend, and I can help guide you back to the light!  Whatever slights against the Jedi you feel I have committed, we can work on our differences.”
   “Do not think for a moment that you know what is right and what is not, Kenobi.  I have not fallen, as you Jedi were led to believe.  I still serve the Light, but I now possess a total control over the Force.  I am what all Jedi should have been, what al Jedi NEED to be, if we want to take this Universe back from the Sith.  It is you who are weak, not fit to wield the power that is our birthright.”
   “You have been fooled by such power, my old friend.  Only the Sith manipulate the Force in such unnatural ways.  Only the Sith seek to take ownership of the Universe.  The Jedi are mandated to defend the Universe, to serve its people.  I cannot allow you to taint any other Jedi, and if I must destroy you, I shall.  This is your last chance to stand down, Hett.”
   The Tusken Jedi drew both lightsabers, his and his fathers, and came at Obi-Wan with a blinding flash of swordplay.  The intense onslaught of swipes, swings, jabs, and slashes against Obi-Wan’s weapon were so quick and fast, they were virtually impossible to see in the bright lights of Tatooine’s Twin Suns.  A’Sharaad’s vermillion blades crossed Obi-Wan’s azure saber time after time, crashing in a deafening crescendo, a symphony of energy and skill, a sculpture made from swordplay.  However, no matter how hard Hett pressed his attack against Kenobi, the elder Jedi Master gave no ground.  Exuding an intense calm that set Hett’s mind back in awe, Obi-Wan parried every single attack Hett threw at him.  No technique taught to Hett by his various masters in lightsaber battle seemed to show any hint of success against the graying Master.  Soon, Obi-Wan found the hole he was looking for.  In the blink of an eye, Kenobi went from defensive to offensive, immediately sending A’Sharaad backwards and off balance.  That tiny opening in battle allowed Obi-Wan to thrust his blade into the lightsaber handle belonging to Hett’s Father, Sharaad Hett, extinguishing it’s crimson blade and forever silencing A’Sharaad’s last link to his fallen father, lost many years ago on this very planet at the hands of the bounty hunter, Aurra Sing.  The loss of that sacred piece only strengthened Hett’s vicious attack.  No longer caught off guard, A’Sharaad once again pressed his attack, fueled by the Sith energies.  Drawing upon his hurt and anger, Hett doubled his strength and speed, and poured it all into his assault on Obi-Wan.
   Obi-Wan’s quick victory in pushing back Hett was soon overturned as A’Sharaad quickly returned to attack, bolstered by his anger at having lost his father’s lightsaber.  Unprepared for such a sudden shift in battle, Obi-Wan was knocked backwards, losing his footing.  Another harsh slash by Hett sent Kenobi onto his back.  Looming over Obi-Wan, A’Sharaad Hett, once powerful and wise Jedi Master, now stood poised to strike down at Master Kenobi.  Obi-Wan closed his eyes, his last vision was of Hett raising his blade high above his head, setting up for a killing stroke.
   The cave Jedi Master Quinlan Vos had found himself in was oddly warm.  How he had happened upon it was still a mystery to Vos.  At one moment, he was leaping from limb to limb, tree to tree in escape from the Imperial Commando squad sent to destroy him, when all of a sudden Vos was struck by an intense feeling of dread, sending him careening out of one tree and into this cave.  The cavern in which he now sat was a wonderment in the Force.  The warmth seemed to emanate from the walls itself, though it was quite clear that the walls were made of solid stone.  Quinlan could feel a wealth of sentient beings in the cavern, though none of which seemed to have any real conscious.  At least, no thought patterns could be detected.  Vos’ best guess was that there were several native creatures nesting in this cave.  Above all, was the solid presence of both Light Side and Dark Side energies flowing throughout the cave.  Hopefully, it would be enough for Quinlan to gather his strength and heal his wounds.  A few blaster bolts had made their way through his cyclone of lightsaber flourishes, though none of them fatal.  Still, the intense pain in his thigh and shoulder were throbbing, robbing Vos of his concentration.  And with this Sith Assassin hot on his heels, Vos would need every ounce of strength and skill available to defeat his foe.  Deep in the recesses of the oddly warm cavern, Master Vos found himself a meadow of sorts, a grassy knoll surrounded by a stream of water, teeming with life.  It was here that Vos had settled himself in preparation of his healing trance.
   “Time is not your friend, my old pupil.”
   “Master Tholme?!?!  What are you doing here,” gasped Vos.
   “I am one with the Force, old friend, I am everywhere,” joked the glimmering specter of the former Jedi Master.  “I have come to help guide you in these most perilous of times.”  I feel your inner struggle with your Dark Side demons.  I had thought you were past that part of your life.”
   “I merely dipped into a few of the forms of Vapaad, in order to protect myself so that I may return to my family, my Master,” said Vos.  “I have walked on both sides for so long, that The line is wider for me, much easier to navigate.  I do not presume to be above the failings of the Jedi-“
   “But you DO, my friend.  You do presume.  Your arrogance in such experiences lead you to believe that you can walk both sides without either effecting you.  You are wrong, young pupil.  Anakin Skywalker believed he could do the same, and fell forever, now a Dark Lord of the Sith.  You must protect yourself from falling victim to those same follies.”
   “What would you suggest then, Master?” inquired Vos.  “Do you suggest I play according to the rules, to allow myself to be overtaken by this continuous assault on the Jedi by Vader and his new Emperor, all in the name of being the virtuous Jedi of old?  Look into your heart!  Look into the Force!  You know it to be true.  For the Jedi to prevail, for their light to once again illuminate the galaxy, we must do what we must to survive.  Knowing that my wife and son remain safely hidden away, waiting for my return, is what keeps me rooted to the Light.  I draw upon my experiences as I see fit.  Remember, old friend, it was those very same Jedi who preach the Dark Side is wrong, that used me to infiltrate the Sith, drawing upon my previous exposure to such teachings.  If it was allowable then to protect the Jedi, then it is allowable now, to protect my family and I.  I do know what I am doing.”
   “Indeed.  In any case, I have not come to argue with you.  I only sought to keep your mind rooted where it belongs, and to bring to you a message,” Master Tholme replied, almost wearily.  I have had a glimpse into the future, and you are needed elsewhere.  Another Master is in need of your skills in preventing the utter fall of another, a fall that will have echoes in the Force for a century to come yet.  You must escape this Sith Assassin that pursues you and travel to Tatooine in search of Master Kenobi.”
   “Master Kenobi survived then, did he.   I had heard he had disappeared after he handed Anakin his tunic in battle on Mustafar, though it was only heresay,” said Quinlan with a smirk.  “What does the great Jedi Master Kenobi need my help with?”
   “Master A’Sharaad Hett has fallen completely to the Dark Side.  Even now, I can feel the ripples in the Force as he and Kenobi battle among the sands of Tatooine.  Soon, a defeated Hett will leave Tatooine in search of a greater knowledge.  I foresee a void in the Force, coming from the very edges of the galaxy, and the loss of Hett after that.  I do not know what becomes of him, but I do foresee Hett returning long into the future to bring the venom of the Sith back into the Universe.  I sense a nexus of the Light and Dark, all centered around Hett.  You must go to Tatooine and assist Kenobi.”
   The grave look on Master Tholmes face spoke volumes to the clarity of his visions.  Vos knew he must escape to help Kenobi, but all he wanted to do was escape and flee back to his family.  However, even Vos knew the folly in that hope, for if he had any hope of keeping his family safe, he would have to stay away so as not to draw unwanted attention through the Force.  “I must heal myself, my Master.  Then I have the matter of this assassin on my tail, dispatched by Vader himself.  If I survive that, I need to procure travel, though I have no credits with which to do so.  Have you foreseen any of this lately?  Any advice for me,” inquired Vos?
   “I have lent you my energy for healing, my old friend.  I don’t have much to lend, but I’d rather fade completely into the Force knowing I’ve done my part in safeguarding the future of the Jedi.  After this, I shall not be able to materialize again, my friend.  Take my words to heart, old friend.  And give my regards to Khaleen and Korto,” spoke Tholme as he slowly faded away.
   With a jolt, Quinlan Vos was snapped back to reality, snatched suddenly away from his healing trance.  Fortunately, Tholme was right: Vos’ wounds were healed completely, his energy returned.  Quinlan felt as vibrant and strong as ever.  Now, how was he supposed to give the slip to this Sith Assassin and get to the spaceport undetected?  More importantly, how was he going to get off of this ball?
   “Did you truly think you could give me the slip, Master Vos?  Even hidden among the this lively cavern, I could sniff you out using my natural senses as a Bothan.  I’ve hunted you for a long time, Quinlan Vos.  I will not fail my Master.  You will die here,” seethed Cheai Xatal.

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #25 on: May 15, 2010, 09:11:35 PM »
WOW! Nice job, Pat!
As do I. It is our lot in life, Master. Shall we find something to kill to cheer us up?

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #26 on: May 16, 2010, 02:40:27 AM »
i DEMAND you write a novel!
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...

Offline hangarbay94

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #27 on: May 16, 2010, 02:46:22 AM »
Pat, I'll be reading this later on... but I thought I'd echo Wraith's comment. Your creative writing really is excelllent!

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #28 on: May 16, 2010, 04:38:32 AM »
Guys, you make me blush!  I'm really enjoying writing this, but I don't think it's novel quality.  I have to work today, so I probably won't get to chapter 5 until later this week sometime, be it early or late in the week.

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Re: Light Shines Brightest When Darkness Falls
« Reply #29 on: May 16, 2010, 06:29:46 AM »
Guys, you make me blush!  I'm really enjoying writing this, but I don't think it's novel quality.  I have to work today, so I probably won't get to chapter 5 until later this week sometime, be it early or late in the week.

dont think its novel quality!! are you bloody mental!!! its superb its fluid ,engaging ,if thats not novel quality then i dont know what is!!
R.I.P. The Clone Wars line ..Hasbro you are ..idiots
good riddance to Movie Heroes...