Author Topic: Jedi Minstrel Customs (Last Update 6/25/11)  (Read 63698 times)

Offline Jedi Minstrel

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs
« Reply #15 on: May 09, 2010, 08:06:32 PM »
Here are some other Jedi.  Minor they may have been, some were even Agricorps but they are the Jedi Order's last hope for re-establishment.

Cas-Jo Nisan, was the lightsaber instructor for the AgriCorps Jedi stationed out of Fulton III.  There was one squad of clone troopers.  Nisan was told that they were for protecting the AgriCorps Jedi.  Nisan sensed their intention as they approached the AC Station.  He, two knights, and several padawan were able to escape before the troopers arrival.

Upon escaping from Fulton III, Papwi Kovan received Obi-Wan Kenobi's warning signal.  She suggested that they change clothes and find a lightly populated planet to learn what news they can of the War.  On Tatooine they learn of the Order 66 and the hunt for the rest of the Jedi and other Force-sensitives.  She forms a plan to aid her fellow Jedi and  escape the clutches of the New Order.

It is a large galaxy and other Sith exist.  Darth Vyrus continues to hide from the Empire but pursues Jedi in hopes of turning some to the Dark Side.  He believes the time is ripe for an emergence of a new Sith Empire before Palpatine's New Order can tighten it's reigns on the Galaxy.

Offline Jedi Minstrel

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs
« Reply #16 on: May 09, 2010, 08:35:45 PM »
Gen'me and Mad'san Uniton are sisters and were at the AgriCorps station on Fulton III when Nisan lead them to safety.  Although less sensitive to the Force, they did all that they can to be Jedi.  Their lesson with Nisan were their favorite as this was where they felt closest to the Force.  Their eagerness to become Jedi is nullified abruptly by Order 66.  They continue to learn the ways of the Force in the years to come in hopes of re-establishing the Jedi Order.

Kojin and Vri'k Gurker are Jedi Knights stationed on Fulton III.  Kojin was rather arrogant for a Jedi as he thought it beneath him to help train younglings with little Force abilities.  This was soon changed as it was youngling that saved him with their life while escaping Fulton III.  Gurker is feels at peace at Fulton III.  So much in tune with what he does with the AC Jedi, that along with his duties as a dispenser of knowledge, he too, tends the crops and livestock of the Republic.  He even spent a time, albeit short, as vegetarian to "cleanse" his body.  Kojin asks, "How's your veggies, Vri'k?" And in response he answers, "Not bad but I think it's time to go hunting for steak"

Offline Jedi Minstrel

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs
« Reply #17 on: May 09, 2010, 09:37:51 PM »
Zurin Gruken often did find himself in the most interesting situations.  There was the border dispute between Grella and Sar'gu of Sar'ella VI.  The pirate raids in the asteroid belts of the Arka system.  And then the slave running outside of the Kircooine Hegemony.  Of course, Order 66 tops it all and Gruken dumps his sabers and books passage on the Jewel of Sora and start his life as a gambler.  Yet, the force still places him in interesting situations.  Especially, when he enters his room and seated at a table is his former master.  "I've got a proposition for you, my young padawan", said his old mentor.  Gurken answers, "I was wondering what was taking you so long.  The tables here aren't as generous.  So, what have you got in mind?"

Offline kreeper2

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs
« Reply #18 on: May 10, 2010, 12:04:13 AM »
kool characters nice back stories.

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs
« Reply #19 on: May 10, 2010, 03:33:44 AM »
awesome jedi, you did great on the backstories

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs
« Reply #20 on: May 10, 2010, 08:41:56 AM »
excellent Jedi customs JM
the backstories are very nice and interesting

keep up the great work

Offline darth neo

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs
« Reply #21 on: May 10, 2010, 01:33:20 PM »
WOAHHHH!!!!!!!!1these are fabulous absoulotkly greattt

Offline Clonehead

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs
« Reply #22 on: May 10, 2010, 04:07:00 PM »
Wow, JM, you are the jedi creation master! Nice work, buddy!

Offline Luke Sprywalker

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs
« Reply #23 on: May 10, 2010, 07:00:48 PM »
Wow! That is a lot of customs! You are fast with these! Slow down I don't want you to get...cramps. haha, pun intended. Nice work and you have created some great Jedi.

Offline Jedi Minstrel

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs
« Reply #24 on: May 10, 2010, 10:36:47 PM »
these are only some over a couple of years.  I have more.  Just needed a place to post them.  thanks all for your comments.

Offline darknsour

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs
« Reply #25 on: May 11, 2010, 03:48:42 AM »
Great stuff!!!

Jedi, like clones can be made many ways!!

And you have done it amazingly!!!

Great work!!

Would love to see more!!

thanks for posting!!

Offline Jedi Minstrel

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs
« Reply #26 on: May 11, 2010, 06:16:19 PM »
Kahshim Ionstorm was en route to the planet Artogne when Order 66 was issued.  The ARC Trooper assigned to him did not receive the order until they came out of light speed.  Upon receiving the order, ARC Trooper Ji turned to Ionstorm and told him to enter the escape pod.  Ji launched the pod.  As Ionstorm's pod shot away from the ship, He saw the transport explode.  Unknown to him Ji launched the other pod and flew in the opposite direction.   Upon landing he quickly rid himself of his outer robe and ruffled his clothes to look less Jedi.  The village he came across had little knowledge of the War and Order 66.  They still believed Velorum was Chancellor.  A young boy showed him the armor of a long dead relative.  It was Mandalorian.  Soon an idea formed in his mind.

Lob'raven was attacked by an entire unit of his clone troopers.  He was pained to cut them down.  With his dying breath, Pvt. Vet asked him, "Why did you Jedi try to take control?"  Confused, Lob'raven escaped in a transport.  He received Obi-Wan Kenobi's message and searched for sanctuary.  During meditation on the transport, Lob'raven could only see darkness in the future.  Knowing the future to be in constant motion, he did not accept the darkness and decided to seek out other Jedi to rebuild the Order.

Offline Jedi Minstrel

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs
« Reply #27 on: May 12, 2010, 07:29:10 PM »
Sgt. Tar was ready to go to war with his brothers upon deployment.  He was glad to be in service and to do what he was bred to do.  But the war dragged on with no end in sight.  One day while on patrol with his men, they came across a cache of weapons.  Not blasters or rifles but swords and other blades.  They recognized the markings as Mandalorian.  At first they thought the local Separatists were hording them but the dust and webs around the weapons told otherwise.  Upon returning to their base, the weapons were distributed amongst the patrol.  The Jedi General knew what the weapons were but allowed the distribution.  After a few days training with the swords, General Mazama renamed the unit Dragon's Teeth.  This was based on a myth about soldiers grown from dragon's teeth and just as tough.  A year  later, Order 66 was issued.  Instead, Sgt. Tar, tired with war, decided to join his general and escape.  Not only him but all of Dragon's Teeth. 

There was no end in sight and Gihaal came too many times to his death.  All around him his brothers fought and died.  With the Mandalorian swords, he at first , found a new test to his skills.  But the war dragged on.  Order 66 was given and Sgt. Tar approached him and the others of DT Squad.  There was no question, they were loyal to their general and commander.  "I guess we can be his personal body guards", said Gihaal.

"Someone's got to take care of your scratches and sniffly noses."  Mirshe, as medic, was the first to volunteer to leave the GAR.  When the squad found the swords, Mirshe took to sword fighting the quickest.  If the squad were Dragon's teeth, he was the fangs. 

Offline Irish Ninja 97

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs
« Reply #28 on: May 12, 2010, 09:15:37 PM »
Wow! Jedi,Jedi,Jedi,Jedi,Jedi,Jedi,CLONE! Lol

Good job on the jedi and the clone.
As do I. It is our lot in life, Master. Shall we find something to kill to cheer us up?

Offline Jedi Minstrel

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Re: Jedi Minstrel Customs
« Reply #29 on: May 12, 2010, 10:57:28 PM »
Thanks Irish Ninja.