Here's an update on my Separatist Commando Unit (Still unnamed). They still have some painting and other mods needed.
Galus Brukl, Gand Findsman feels he actually has a purpose in life.
Nik Graekun, 18 year old human orphaned before the Clone Wars has bitter memories of the Republic. At 15, he and his parents set out on a family trip when their transport was attacked by pirates. Republic forces came to their aid at first but were held back by who had jurisdiction, the Republic or local authorities. At the same time his parents were killed by the pirates.
The Nikto, Vrook felt more a pacifist than his fellow Nikto. He went through Gutaja, a Nikto warrior group (similar to the Morgukai but less violent) training because of his families tradition. Until his family and Gutaja colony on Nertoro II was turned to ashes by unknown forces. Only a few survived.