In a mash-up of the joe-verse and marvel's Iron Man...
Hammer's company fails to secure a military contract after Vanko destroyed his drone's at the stark expo... however the para-military organization known as COBRA was watching. Cobra already had their own drones, known as BAT's, and had been waiting for the right opourtunity to aquire stark's Iron Man technology to incorporate it into their own mechanized army...
thus a new version of Battle Android Troopers were created... The Hammer BAT.
This new version of the BAT combined the best elements of the hammer drones with the best features of the original BAT's. The ARC Reactor energy source and advanced Hammer (stolen stark) robotics created the heart and brawn of the machine.... The modular weponry and the artificial inteligence was inspired by the original BAT design. All the classics of the BAT armory is included, as well as a few new items.
Most notably the standard hand is replaced by a flight stabilizing palm repulsor unit.
The stark Repulsor design incorporated into this version of the BAT makes it flight capable as well.
comparing it to the 25th BAT figure:
The optional 2nd head (which I do not like as much):
the mandatory BAT back-pack:
the chest plate is removable, a small pin was used to hold it in place and is the reason there is a small hole in the arc reactor...
Arm attachments are made possible by using the 25th BAT's elbow joint and modifying the forarms of the WM figure to fit onto them:
a new attachment:
stripped down: