I have a few things to add here but I must say my pace has slowed. Also these pics are from my new phone and i have some pics still on my old phone to upload but i havent had time to look and sor instance I have some wips of the Raphael below during the sculpting stage that I will add later.
Here is Raphael next to the vintage figure that inspired him:
Echo and Yes Fives is on the way! These ones are mine to keep.
Ok looks like i did bring my old phone so here are some WIPS of GiJoe Raph:
I am working on this character that I made up for school in my comics lesson called "Dexter the Demon Hunter" He is a monkey man who fights demons:
I used a scheich chimp head and fitted to a Joe body. This is my repaint of the head and it looks way better imo
Death metal Zombies:
Might make these my figure line for the contest but not sure yet...
This is a portrait for a guy I am friends with on Instagram by the name of Johncantslowdown. He has both arms done in a full sleeve and wanted me to capture them as best as possible in the figure. It was quite challeging but fun to do. I also did his dog Indy.
A project I am working on that is not a figure: